DBC 422
DBC 425
1531-DBC 422 02 Uen B3 2013-12-02
In a SFTP server running on Linux the following must be considered:
files with contacts are stored under the folder:
, when using the default user name. These folders must be
enabled for read and write access.
In the Linux environment the following parameters have to be set in the
file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PasswordAuthentication yes
AllowUsers Telephone
If the user name and password to the SFTP server shall be something
else than default, the configuration file of the phone and
/etc/ssh/sshd_config must be updated.
My Dialog 4000 Contacts
My Dialog 4000 Contacts is an application that makes it possible for the
end-user to merge the contents in Microsoft® Outlook Contacts to the
existing Phone Contacts in the IP phone. This application updates the
Phone Contacts on the FTP server, and after that the phone is updated
with the new Contacts in a file from the FTP server. This means that the
Phone Contacts must be stored centrally on the FTP server, 7.47
Central Storage of the Local Phone Contacts on page 81.
It is important how the end-user stores the external phone numbers in
Microsoft® Outlook Contacts. If the external destination code starts with
0 and the area code also starts with 0, the phone cannot distinguish
those numbers. If an external number in Outlook is stored with the
external access code, it will
work. The recommendation is to store
the complete external numbers in Outlook, such as +country code, area
code, phone number. Example: 46 is the country code, 08 is the area
code and 7190000 is the phone number, store +4687190000.
My Dialog 4000 Contacts
program shall be stored on a web server and
the end-user shall get a link to a web page from which this application
can be downloaded to his/her PC. Java run time library 5.0 or higher is
needed on the end-used PC (can be downloaded from the Sun® home