1531-DBC 422 02 Uen B3 2013-12-02
Figure 55:IP Phone Administrator
A log in window will pop up when starting the tool. The user name and
the password is set by the system administrator at installation of IP
Phone Administrator.
The following columns exist in the GUI:
IP Address
Clicking on the IP address means that the web interface in the
phone is opened.
The name of the user that is registered or was registered before the
phone was logged off. This name is normally received in the phone
from the PBX, but can also be the name in the Contacts for the
actual extension number.
Extension number for the user that is registered towards the PBX,
or that was registered before the phone was logged off.
An icon in different color is shown:
Red icon: the phone is not registered towards the PBX.
Green icon: the phone is registered.