DBC 422
DBC 425
1531-DBC 422 02 Uen B3 2013-12-02
The user identity is valid for the phone, which means that the
end-user can change extension number towards the PBX, without
having to enter a new LAN access user identity and password
(default value).
Authentication to the LAN
The authentication process starts in the boot sequence with that the
phone prompts the user to enter the user identity and password, 7.1 How
to start a new phone on page 8.
At restart of the phone, and when the user identity and password are
stored in the phone, the ordinary restart procedure is done which means
that the user does not have to do anything.
Access the phone from a PC
For maintenance of the terminal, the system administrator can from a PC
access the phone in one of the following ways:
Web interface. This interface is recommended.
SSH (Secure Shell). This interface is similar to a Telnet interface,
but the connection is secure.
In the maintenance PC, a SSH client must be used. There are a
number of free-ware clients, the must popular is PuTTY for PCs
with Windows®.
The default encryption keys are used and not possible to change.
For a description of these interfaces, see maintenance instructions for
. See also 7.24.1 Password for maintenance on
page 62.
can also access the phone via the web interface. This
interface is described in the directions for use for each platform. See also
7.24.2 Web interface password for the end user on page 62.
7.24 Passwords
There are different passwords used in the phone:
to register the phone to the gatekeeper, see 7.2.1 Starting a phone
in a LAN with a DHCP server on page 8 and 7.3.1 Starting a DBC
425 phone in a LAN with a DHCP server on page 14. The recom-