At the gate, press call button, get 1 and a half rings and then error tone. Unit can not find
house unit. Either move units closer, different locations, or try antenna extension.
At the gate, press call button, get 3 rings and then error tone. Units are talking but no
phone line. Make sure phone line is connected correctly, and that bypass switch is in nor-
mal. If it's suppose to be in PBX make sure it is.
Gate unit can be powered from 12VAC transformer or 12VDC battery. House unit should
be powered from 12VAC transformer.
If voice connection sounds noisy, check and make sure power wires are not next to an-
tenna cables. Check all antenna connections to make sure they are tight. If on solar, try
turning off charger to see if signal gets cleaned up.
Mic gain (labeled
Mic Gain
on board ) potentiometer on gate unit can be adjusted to try to
increase half duplex center point. Increasing MIC gain makes it easier for the person in-
side to hear the person outside. Decreasing Mic gain lets the person outside hear the per-
son inside better.
Speaker volume pot (labeled
on board ), increases the loudness of the gate unit
speaker. The unit is not as loud as the hardwired, and if you increase the volume too
much the unit will get a lot more cutting out of voice on both sides.
If these do not work, there are no other adjustments, send the unit back.