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Sirius OBC and TCM User Manual
2. Start the script from a terminal.
3. If the printed message is according to Figure 3-3, the connection is working.
Figure 3-3 - Successful OpenOCD connection to the Sirius products
The line
target state: halted
must be displayed in the output, otherwise the OpenOCD connection has failed and the
board must be power-cycled.
3.5.2. Setup a serial terminal to the device debug UART
The device debug UART may be used as a debug interface for printf output etc.
A serial communication terminal such as minicom or gtkterm is necessary to communicate
with the Sirius product, using these settings:
Baud rate: 115200
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: None
Hardware flow control: Off
On a clean system with no other USB-to-serial devices connected, the serial port will appear
as /dev/ttyUSB1. However, the numbering may change when other USB devices are
connected and you have to make sure you're using the correct device number to
communicate to the board's debug UART.
On Debian 8, a more foolproof way of identifying the terminal to use is the by-id mechanism.
Once you've identified the serial number of your debugger (see 3.5.4.), you can connect to it