Managing the Radio | 207
Aprisa SRi User Manual 1.1.0
SNMPv3 Authentication Passphrase
The SNMPv3 Authentication Passphrase can be changed via the SNMPv3 secure management protocol
interface (not via SuperVisor).
When viewing / managing the details of the users via SNMPv3, the standard SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB
interface is used. This interface can be used to change the SNMPv3 Authentication Passphrase of the users.
The SNMPv3 Authentication Passphrase of a user required to be changed cannot be changed by the same
user i.e. a different user must be used for the transactions.
Generate New Keys from SNMPv3 USM User Passphrases
Net-SNMP is a suite of open source software for using and deploying the SNMP protocol. Similar functionality
is built into many commercial SNMP managers.
This next step of loading the Aprisa SRi radios with keys generated from USM user passphrases requires the
SNMPv3 USM Management utility provided as part of NET-SNMP.
The utility is called
. It provides a range of commands including the management of changing
passwords for SNMPv3 users. In order to use this utility, the user will need to install NET-SNMP on a Linux
(or Windows®) or machine. The examples below are from the Linux environment. This tool automatically
obtains the engine ID from the target radio before generating the keys and loading them into the target.
To change a user authentication passphrase:
The following are examples of:
Changing the privUserSHA user encryption key / password from privUserSHA to privUserSHANew:
c:\usr\bin>snmpusm -v 3 -u privUserSHA -n priv -l authPriv -a SHA -A privUserSHA -x AES -X privUserSHA
-Cx passwd privUserSHA privUserSHANew
Changing the privUserSHA user authentication key / password from privUserSHA to privUserSHANew:
c:\usr\bin>snmpusm -v 3 -u privUserSHA -n priv -l authPriv -a SHA -A privUserSHA -x AES -X
privUserSHANew -Ca passwd privUserSHA privUserSHANew
Changing the desUserSHA user encryption key / password from desUserSHA to desUserSHANew:
c:\usr\bin>snmpusm -v 3 -u desUserSHA -n priv -l authPriv -a SHA -A desUserSHA -x DES -X desUserSHA
-Cx passwd desUserSHA desUserSHANew
Changing the desUserSHA user authentication key / password from desUserSHA to desUserSHANew:
c:\usr\bin>snmpusm -v 3 -u desUserSHA -n priv -l authPriv -a SHA -A desUserSHA -x DES -X
desUserSHANew -Ca passwd desUserSHA desUserSHANew
Changing the privUserMD5 user encryption key / password from privUserMD5 to privUserMD5New:
c:\usr\bin>snmpusm -v 3 -u privUserMD5 -n priv -l authPriv -a MD5 -A privUserMD5 -x AES -X privUserMD5
-Cx passwd privUserMD5 privUserMD5New
Changing the privUserMD5 user authentication key / password from privUserMD5 to privUserMD5New:
c:\usr\bin>snmpusm -v 3 -u privUserMD5 -n priv -l authPriv -a MD5 -A privUserMD5 -x AES -X
privUserMD5New -Ca passwd privUserMD5 privUserMD5New
Changing the desUserMD5 user encryption key / password from desUserMD5 to desUserMD5New: