Managing the Radio | 187
Aprisa SRi User Manual 1.1.0
Bridge Mode Traffic Classification Settings
VLAN bridge mode traffic classification settings provide mapping / assigning of profiles (set by rules to match
a specific traffic type) to a VLAN ID and VLAN CoS / priority. The profile which is used to match to a specific
traffic type will be identified in the radio network by its associated VLAN ID and VLAN CoS / priority to
provide the appropriate QoS treatment. CoS / Priority can be set to very high, high, medium, low priority.
Profile name
A free form field to enter the profile name with a maximum of 32 chars.
Assigned Priority
Traffic packets that match the applied profile rules will be assigned to
the selected ‘
assigned priority
setting of Very High, High, Medium and Low.
This field cannot be set to Don’t Care
This applies profile rule mapping to the VLAN CoS / Priority with the appropriate internal radio assigned
priority setting of Very High, High, Medium and Low.