160 | Managing the Radio
Aprisa SRi User Manual 1.1.0
IP > IP Setup > Router Mode
This page provides the setup for the IP Settings for and Ethernet Operating Mode of ‘Router’.
IP Address
Set the static IP Address of the radio Ethernet port (n) assigned by your site network administrator using the
standard format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. This IP address is used for this Ethernet port Router mode.
Subnet Mask
Set the Subnet Mask of the of the radio Ethernet port (n) using the standard format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. The
default subnet mask is (/16).
Set the Gateway address of the radio Ethernet port (n), if required, using the standard format xxx.xxx.xxx.
A default gateway is the node on the network that traffic is directed to when an IP address does not match
any other routes in the routing table. It can be the IP address of the router or PC connected to the base
station. The default gateway commonly connects the internal radio network and the outside network. The
default Gateway is