User Manual
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Copyright © 3onedata Co., Ltd.
Address range only supports the IP addresses of Class B and Class C. The value of
start address and the end address must be on the same network rang.
Address range start value must be less than or equal to the value of the end address.
If you want to ensure the normal communication, because each IP consumption of
20ms, address range to be as small as possible, the length of the package must not be
0, send the data packet length and packet assemble length consistent, packet
transmission frequency can not be too fast.
4.3.8 UDP Multicast Mode
In UDP multicast mode, the serial server can send unicast or multicast data of the
serial device to one or more hosts specified by the user through the UDP protocol,
and can also receive unicast or multicast data from one or more devices, enabling
multipoint-to-multipoint communication.
Interface Description
UDP multicast mode interface screenshot