User Manual
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Copyright © 3onedata Co., Ltd.
9.5 UDP Client Mode
Background brief
Assuming that the serial port "COM1" of the serial server works in the "UDP client
mode", it initiates a connection with a host PC, and the host can read or send Ethernet
data to a serial device. Compared with TCP mode, UDP protocol is faster and more
The parameters of the serial server (UDP client) are as follows:
IP Address:
Local Port: 30000
BaudRate: 115200
PairtyBits: None
DataBits: 8
StopBits: 1
The parameters of the host PC (UDP server) are as follows:
IP Address:
Local Port: 31000
Operation steps
Setp 1
Configure the IP address of the serial server.
1. Log in to the Web configuration interface and select “Network Setting”.
2. In the "Use the following IP address" option box, enter the "IP address", "Subnet
Mask" and "Gateway address" corresponding to the serial server.
3. Other parameters remain the default, click “submit”.
Setp 2
Configure the serial port parameter information.
1. Log in to the Web configuration interface and select “Serial Server> COM Settings”.