User manual
The number of serial numbers and the RMON alarm information configuration
configuration are provided by the rising event index and the falling event index
corresponding to the event that is triggered when the MIB object is monitored over a
threshold value.
Some descriptive information about the event.
None: Do not deal with
Log: When the event is triggered, the event is recorded in the log table.
Log, trap: This event is triggered when the event is recorded in the log table and
generates a trap message
Configure event group steps:
Step 1: in the serial number of the text box to fill in the event group number;
Step 2: fill in the description of the text box for the description of the event group;
Step 3: select none, log, log, trap, and in the action drop-down box;
Step 4: click the "add" button. Statistical
In the menu bar followed by click on the "main menu", "advanced configuration" and "RMON
configuration", "Statistics" in RMON statistics group configuration interface and the interface can add,
delete statistics group and view the configuration information for a group of statistics. A physical port is set
up as the receiving end of the monitoring data information. Serial number is used to identify a specific
application interface, when the serial number is the same as the serial number of the application interface,
the previous configuration will be replaced.