User manual
Configuration port type:
Automatic: automatic detection system
Force True: Edge port
Force False: Non edge port
Configure port link type:
Automatic: automatic detection system
Force True: Point to point link
Force False: Non point to point link
Bridge port configuration steps:
Step 1: check the port to participate in the spanning tree in the enable check box;
Step 2: check the BPDU Guard check box to enable port BPDU protection function;
Step 3: select automatic, Force True or Force False in the Edge drop-down box;
Step 4: select automatic, Force True or Force False in the Point-to-Point drop-down box;
Step 5: click the "Apply" button. Instance port configuration
In the menu bar in order to click on the "main menu", "layer 2 configuration", "spanning tree ", "instance
port configuration" into the instance port configuration interface, the interface can configure the port
priority and cost.
(Figure )
Rapid Spanning Tree of concepts: