User manual
ACL IP is used to identify the message flow in the purpose of MAC address access control settings in
accordance with the rules of MAC ACL to identify a specific message, and according to the preset
strategy to deal with it.
In the menu bar in order to click on the "main menu", "network security", "ACL configuration", "IP ACL
configuration" into the IP ACL configuration interface, the interface can add, delete MAC access list.
MAC ACL configuration step:
Step 1: in the configuration of the IP access list of the group ID in the text box to fill in the value of the
group ID;
Step 2: click the "add" button;
Step 3: fill in the added group ID in the text box of the group ID of the configuration rule;
Step 4: fill in the value of rule ID in the text box of rule ID;
Step 5: select deny or permit in the action drop-down box;
Step 6: select the any, IGMP, IP, TCP, or UDP in the protocol;
Step 7: fill in the blank in the source IP address or IP source text box;
Step 8: fill in the blank in the source source mask or mask in the text box;
Step 9: fill in the blank in the source port or port source text box;
Step 10: fill in the blank in the destination IP address or IP text box;