User manual
Upload log steps:
Step 1: in the TFTP server text box to fill in the TFTP server where the IP address.
Step 2: fill in the file name in the file box to save the file on the server.
Step 3: click the "Upload" button
6.2.5 SSHD configuration
SSH full name is Shell Secure. SSH security protocol based on application layer and transport layer. SSH
is currently more reliable, designed for remote login sessions and other network services to provide
security protocols. Using SSH protocol can effectively prevent the process of remote management of
information leakage problem, but also to prevent the DNS and IP. There is also an additional advantage is
that the transmission of the data is compressed, so you can speed up the transmission speed.
In the menu bar, click on the "main menu", "system configuration", "SSHD configuration", enter the SSHD
configuration interface.