Sterilizer / Aerator GSX Series
– Operator’s Manual
This message will appear upon opening a custom cycle if potential conflicts exist between software versions of the saved custom cycle, the 3M Cycle Programmer, and the sterilizer software
version (Figure 39) For more information, in the US contact 3M Health Care Helpline at 1‑800‑228‑3957 Outside the US contact your local 3M office or to locate your local office go
to www3Mcom
This cycle file was created with a previous version of 3M™ Cycle Programmer.
When saved, this cycle file will be updated to version 2.0 of the 3M™ Cycle Programmer.
This cycle files will then require 3M™ Steri-Vac™ Sterilize/Aerator GSX Series software version 1.1.
Before saving this cycle verify the GSX Series Sterilizer/Aerator is running on version 1.1.
Figure 39
Example Message of Potential Software
Version Conflicts
Enter a
Cycle Name
The Cycle Name can be a combination of up to 20 characters The system will accept ‘A –Z’, ‘a‑z’, 0‑9, space, period, and dash (“‑“) Every custom cycle must have a
valid Cycle Name Ensure custom cycle names are clear and distinct to the Operator Avoid using a single digit as a custom cycle name to minimize risk of Operator cycle selection errors
Only one custom cycle with the same name can be imported into the GSX Series sterilizer The sterilizer will check the custom cycle names before allowing the custom cycles to
be imported
Select sterilizer
Select the 3M™ Steri‑Vac™ Sterilizer/Aerator GSX Series model for the custom cycle ‑ either GS5X or GS8X The custom cycle will only work on the GSX Series sterilizer model for which it
was created (ie GS5X cycle cannot be run on a GS8X nor can a GS8X cycle be run on a GS5X)
Select cycle
Access Level
Select either Operator or Supervisor access level for the custom cycle This feature allows custom cycles to be stored and accessed in different locations on the 3M™ Steri‑Vac™ Sterilizer/
Aerator GSX Series to help assure Operator selects the correct cycle for the intended application
A custom cycle with Operator access level is only available for use from the Operator Cycle Start screen
A custom cycle with Supervisor Access level is only available for use from the Supervisor Cycle Start screen
Select display preference –
One Column or Two Columns
Choose one column to display the cycle stages and parameters in a one column list or choose two columns to display the cycle stages and parameters across two columns Some languages
require a one column list display
Define the set points for each stage of the ethylene oxide (EO) sterilization custom cycle
• Figure 1 is a Pressure Profile of the ten (10) stages of the preprogrammed EO Sterilization Cycles Stage 7 (EO Removal) and Stage 10 (Air Admission) do not have any user
programmable set points
• The variable parameters and ranges for each programmable stage are detailed in the following sections The user must define a set point for each parameter The user can choose the
preprogrammed cycle set points or the user can do a combination of both defining and choosing preprogrammed cycle set points Some set points also allow the user to set a minimum
and maximum limit
• There may be a combination of set points, environmental operating conditions, and product loads that will routinely result in a sterilization process fault If this occurs, the combination of
set points, environmental operating conditions, or product loads will need to be adjusted For more information: inside the US, contact 3M Health Care Helpline at 1‑800‑228 3957, or
outside the US, contact your local 3M office To locate your local office, go to www3Mcom
• The preprogrammed cycle set points for each variable parameter are the values that populate the 3M™ Cycle Programmer when a new custom cycle is opened (Figure 38)
the programmed custom cycle to the personal computer The custom cycle will have an eto extension to designate the file as a custom cycle for the 3M™ Steri‑Vac™ Sterilizer/
Aerator GSX Series
Use a USB drive to move custom cycles from the personal computer to the GSX Series sterilizer Custom cycles must be saved in a Folder on the USB drive The GSX Series sterilizer only
looks for Folders on the USB drive at the beginning of the custom cycle import process (Chapter 11)
3M recommends that the 3M™ Cycle Programmer software be installed and run on a computer that contains up‑to‑date anti‑virus software and up‑to‑date operating system patches
Custom cycle files are in a proprietary and encrypted format and must be correctly formatted for the 3M™ Steri‑Vac™ Sterilizer/Aerator GSX Series to accept for import This check and
confirmation by the 3M™ Steri‑Vac™ Sterilizer/Aerator GSX Series ensures that the stored cycle is acceptable