Sterilizer / Aerator GSX Series
– Operator’s Manual
13.4. Cartridge Dispose Cycle for 3M™ Steri‑Gas™ EO Gas Cartridges
The 3M™ Steri‑Vac™ Sterilizer/Aerator GSX Series is designed with a specialized dispose cycle for full, damaged, expired, or excess 3M™ Steri‑Gas™ EO Gas Cartridges
Cartridge Dispose
is a custom abbreviated cycle to safely empty and aerate Steri‑Gas EO Gas Cartridges, one per cycle This cycle cannot sterilize devices The cycle time for a Cartridge Dispose cycle is estimated
to be less than four (4) hours Dispose cycles are Supervisor cycles and require a Supervisor PIN
13.5. Ethernet Connection
Connecting to the Ethernet port provides 3M Health Care service personnel or authorized 3M service personnel with a means to access diagnostic information on the 3M™ Steri‑Vac™ Sterilizer/
Aerator GSX Series from a desktop located on‑site within the facility network The system is intended for use in a server‑based network
1351 Network Connections
The 3M™ Steri‑Vac™ Sterilizer/Aerators GSX Series software application
will introduce a minimal amount of
active network traffic when connected to a local area network (LAN) Adding the
GSX Series sterilizer to a LAN allows the ability for 3M Health Care service personnel or authorized 3M service personnel to map to read‑only, shared network folders on the sterilizer from a client
workstation within the LAN to access diagnostic information The GSX Series sterilizers allow users with Supervisor or Service level access (already set up on the sterilizer) to map to read‑only,
shared network folders on the sterilizer, from a client workstation within the LAN, to access cycle data
3M™ Steri‑Vac™ Sterilizer/Aerators GSX Series come equipped with a preinstalled remote management device agent The device agent manages communications between your sterilizer and a
3M server, providing 3M Health Care service personnel or authorized 3M service personnel with the ability to access diagnostic information on your sterilizer via a secured Manager Console The
device agent also allows 3M to provide software and firmware updates to your system remotely
The Operating System (OS) uses the NDIS (Network Device Interface Specification) to communicate with the Ethernet hardware TCP/IP and DNS protocols are supported Device configuration
HTML server has been disabled Access to shared drives is read‑only
The device agent maintains a persistent connection to the 3M server by sending a small heartbeat (approx 32 bytes) every 60 to 180 seconds At two hour intervals, the 3M™ Steri‑Vac™
Sterilizer/Aerators GSX Series performs a full check in, exchanging all new pending updates via TCP/IP Port 5494 is the 3M system’s primary and preferred communications port On average,
with no large updates, expect to see up to 20 MB of traffic per month for analytics reporting
There are no known hazardous situations resulting from a failure of the IT‑NETWORK to provide the characteristics required to meet the purpose of the GSX Series sterilizer connection to the
IT‑NETWORK All service information can be accessed directly from the machine The system autonomously identifies and reacts to faults regardless of the network connectivity state
Devices connected to the Ethernet port must be 60950‑1 (General Requirements for Information Technology Safety) compliant Do not connect devices that are not compliant to 60950‑1
1352 IP Addresses
The 3M™ Steri‑Vac™ Sterilizer/Aerator GSX Series software application supports IPv4 (32 bit IP addresses) Both static and dynamic IP addresses are supported There are no means to forcibly
renew the sterilizer’s dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) address
The MAC address of the GSX Series sterilizer single board computer can be viewed in the “MAC address” field of the
Menu>Site Setup>Setup>Network
tab (Figure 85)
Select cycle temperature:
55 °C
Apply changes
IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway
Host name
MAC address
Preferences Cycle Setup Date-Time Network Site
Figure 85
Menu>Site Setup>Setup>
Network Information