2N® LTE Verso Configuration Manual
Automatic update
– enable automatic licence key update from the 2N Licence server.
Manual update
– manual licence availability check request.
Manual update state
– running, updated, unspecified., failed: license is not available.
Trial licence state
– check the trial licence state (non-activated, activated, expired).
Licence expiry
– check the remaining time of the trial licence validity. 1 hour is deducted
automatically from the licence remaining time upon every restart and factory reset;
otherwise this time is not affected in any way.
The SW reset does not delete the license key and result in the device restart. If
disabled before the SW reset, the automatic license update is enabled
automatically and a query is sent to the license server. If the automatic license
update is enabled, the query to the license server is sent as planned.
The HW reset deletes the license key and the subsequent device restart in a
randomly short time generates a query to the license server.
Request interval – randomly 1-100 minutes after the start and then in 8 hours
in trial license devices or in 8 hours for 7 days after the restart in time-
unlimited license devices.