Primary DHCP Menu
If the Secondary port is disabled, DHCP on the Primary port can be toggled on or off in the Primary DHCP
Figure 1 - Primary DHCP enabled screen
When DHCP is disabled on the Primary port, its fields for manually setting the IP address, subnet mask, and
gateway are visible.
Secondary DHCP Menu
The Secondary port is disabled by default but can be toggled on in the Secondary Net Enable menu.
Figure 2 - Secondary DHCP enabled screen
When the Secondary port is enabled, it can be set to have DHCP enabled or disabled. When disabled, its
fields for manually setting the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway are visible.
NTP Enable Menu
NTP (Network Time Protocol) can be enabled or disabled in this menu.
Figure 3 - NTP enable screen
NTP Server Menu
This menu allows you to enter the IP address of a local NTP server. If no address is entered (the server is
set to, PDM II defaults to using "" servers.