down Build<LF>
PDM starts building the delay
up Cough<LF>
PDM releases the COUGH
trigger Dump<LF>
PDM starts a DUMP event
!down up(etc)<LF>
See Note 1 below
help down<LF>
! (text) <LF>
See Note 1 below
get Depth<LF>
Current delay is 7.5 seconds
get PeakInput<LF>
!PeakInput= -19
Current audio input peak level
Delay has been fully built; see
Note 2 below
Exit completed, Empty trigger
asserted; see Note 2 below
Dump increment achieved,
delay is now safe; See Note 2
PDM II removed from Bypass
mode; see Note 2 below
?unknown command
PDM II doesn't understand this
instruction; no action is taken
Note 1: Help does not require an <argument>. If you send help<LF> by itself, it returns a list of
valid commands. If you specify any command as the argument, it returns a brief explanation along
with a list of the command's arguments.
For example, if you send help down<LF>, PDM II replies with !down: send Press signal for one
or more space-separated events (None Build Exit Cough Dump Bypass Cue 1... etc. through
Flag 8).
Note 2: Output Event Messages (preceded by @) only appear after they have been specifically
enabled for a type of event.
Output Event Messages
PDM II's Output Event messages can be used to build elaborate custom remote controls. Any event that can
trigger a GPIO output can also be sent serially.