Important - When using the web GUI to control a PDM II in another studio, always check to make
sure the unit isn't in use and feeding audio to your program bus to avoid accidentally disrupting on-
air programming.
Note - Changes made at the PDM II's front panel while the web GUI is open will not be
automatically reflected on the remote computer; it is necessary to refresh the page to see any
changes. To avoid confusion, we recommend against making changes on both the front panel and
web GUI at the same time.
The display will match that of the physical front panel, and all lights and buttons will be in sync. This page is
fully interactive, and the on-screen buttons can be activated with a mouse click. The following keyboard
shortcuts are also supported:
The Left, Right, Up, and Down keyboard arrow keys correspond to the front panel arrow buttons.
The keyboard "Enter" key corresponds to the green "Checkmark" button.
The keyboard "Escape" key corresponds to the red "X" button.
The letters "B", "E", "C", "D", and "Y" respectively correspond to the Build, Exit, Cough, Dump, and
Bypass buttons.
Front Panel "Mini Windows"
Clicking on the "Mini Front Panel" link at the bottom of the page just beneath the Build and Exit buttons
opens a smaller version of the front panel in its own window. It can be re-sized as needed by clicking and
dragging the lower right corner.
Figure 2- Mini front panel
You can also simultaneously connect to multiple PDM II units from the same computer by clicking on the