controls all the modem cards in the rack and interfaces to central NMS control station. A simple
twisted pair wiring can be used to link all the central site racks to a control station which is
usually a PC station running the ZyView NMS software under Microsoft Windows.
ZyXEL MNMS can control a hierarchical (tree type) modem network. There is a secondary
channel that will pass NMS information to and from the remote modem. The NMS information
can also pass to a remote site with a tandem connection to the central site as long as the
tandem site(s) is a ZyXEL rack.
Any site with a ZyXEL rack(s) can connect a PC workstation running ZyView and control and
monitor all the hierarchical nodes under it. Usually, control down the modem hierarchy is through
the secondary channel attached to any existing modem links between modem sites.
Alternatively, a dedicated modem link between two sites with racks can be assigned to pass
NMS information and it will be much faster than using a secondary channel. Two sites with many
racks each can link their NMS in this way.
All ZyXEL rack models are NMS capable but only the model with a "N" suffix (i.e., U-1496RN)
has the secondary channel capability. A secondary channel is necessary for remote control and
hierarchical control. For a large central site local control, the secondary channel is not needed.
Also, for dial-up use, like a couple of racks for a multi-line BBS, remote control and hence a
secondary channel is usually not needed. The stand alone LCD model U-1496SN is the U-1496
with a secondary channel. It can be put on the end node of a hierarchical modem network and is
remote controllable.