P-660R-Tx Series Support Note s
the destination fields of the packet (since it is now moving in the opp osite
direction), the checksums are recomputed, and the packet is delivered to its
true destination. This is because SUA keeps a table of the IP addresses and
port numbers of the local systems currently using it.
7. What is the difference between SUA and Full Feature NAT?
When you edit a remote node in Web Configurator, Advanced Setup,
Advanced Setup -> NAT -> Number of IPs,
there will be two options for you:
Single here means SUA (Single User Account). In previous versions is a NAT
set with 2 rules: Many-to-One and Server. With SUA, 'visible' servers had to be
mapped to different ports, since the servers share only one global IP.
The P-660R-Tx now has
stands for
Full Feature NAT,
which supports
five types of IP/Port mapping: One to One, Many to One, Many to Many
Overload, Many to Many No Overload and Server. You can make special
application when you select Multiple. For example: With multiple global IP
addresses, multiple severs using the same port (e.g., FTP servers using port
21/20) are allowed on the LAN for outside access.
The P-660R-Tx supports NAT sets on a remote node basis. They are reusable,
but only one set is allowed for each remote node. The P-660R-Tx supports 8 sets
since there are 8 remote nodes.
8. Is it possible to access a server running behind SUA from the outside
Internet? How can I do it?
Yes, it is possible because P-660R-Tx delivers the packet to the local server by
looking up to a SUA server table. Therefore, to make a local server accessible to
the outside users, the port number and the inside IP address of the server must
be configured. (You can configure it in Web Configurator, Advanced Setup,
Advanced Setup -> NAT -> DMZ
9. When do I need select Multiple IP in NAT (Full Feature NAT)?
Make multiple local servers on the LAN accessible from outside with
multiple global IP addresses
With Single IP (SUA), 'visible' servers had to be mapped to different ports, since
the servers share only one global IP. But when you select
Multiple IPs
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