Chapter 6 ZXR10 1800-2E Chassis
Component Type
Micro USB interfaces
Console interfaces of the Micro USB model, which have the same
functions as those of the CON/AUX interfaces of the RJ45 model
but a higher priority. Select either one.
Serial interfaces (RJ45)
Debugging serial interfaces (Console/AUX interfaces) of the RJ45
model, which are used to manage routers and configure functions.
Interface for a SIM card
Interface for a 3G or LTE SIM card.
WIFI function button.
Button for re-establishing a WIFI connection.
System reset button.
Green indicators for link statuses of two Combo interfaces.
Red indicator for system faults.
Green indicator for system operation status.
Green indicator for the operation status of a 3G or LTE network.
Back Panel
shows the back panel of a ZXR10 1800-2E chassis.
Figure 6-3 Back Panel of a ZXR10 1800-2E Chassis
Slots for SPIU line interface
Power modules
6.1.2 Slots
shows slots and slot IDs on the back of a ZXR10 1800-2E chassis.
Figure 6-4 Slots on the Back of a ZXR10 1800-2E Chassis
A ZXR10 1800-2E chassis has a structure suitable for horizontal installation. Two service
board slots are designed for the chassis, which are numbered as 0-1 in order. Slots 0 and
1 are used to install SPIU interface boards.
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