ZXR10 ZSR V2 Hardware Description
Interface Properties of the RAC-PIU-04GE-SFP Board.......................... 9-34
Description of the Indicators on the Panel of the RAC-PIU-04GE-SFP
Technical Parameters of the RAC-PIU-04GE-SFP Board....................... 9-35
Interface Properties of the RAC-PIU-08GE-SFP Board.......................... 9-36
Description of the Indicators on the Panel of the RAC-PIU-08GE-SFP
Technical Parameters of the RAC-PIU-08GE-SFP Board....................... 9-36
GE Electrical Interface Properties of the RAC-PIU-05GE-4E1SFP
Optical Interface Properties of the RAC-PIU-05GE-4E1SFP
Description of the Indicators on the Panel of the
RAC-PIU-05GE-4E1SFP Board ............................................................. 9-38
Technical Parameters of the RAC-PIU-05GE-4E1SFP Board ................ 9-38
GE Electrical Interface Properties of the RAC-PIU-09GE-8E1SFP
Optical Interface Properties of the RAC-PIU-09GE-8E1SFP
Description of the Indicators on the Panel of the
RAC-PIU-09GE-8E1SFP Board ............................................................. 9-40
Technical Parameters of the RAC-PIU-09GE-8E1SFP Board ................ 9-40
GE Electrical Interface Properties of the RAC-PIU-08FE1GE-1SFP
Optical Interface Properties of the RAC-PIU-08FE1GE-1SFP
Description of the Indicators on the Panel of the
RAC-PIU-08FE1GE-1SFP Board ........................................................... 9-42
Technical Parameters of the RAC-PIU-08FE1GE-1SFP Board .............. 9-42
GE Electrical Interface Properties of the RAC-DPIU-16GE-12SFP4E
Optical Interface Properties of the RAC-DPIU-16GE-12SFP4E
Description of the Indicators on the Panel of the
RAC-DPIU-16GE-12SFP4E Board......................................................... 9-44
Technical Parameters of the RAC-DPIU-16GE-12SFP4E Board............ 9-44
Interface Properties of the RAC-DPIU-01XGE-SFP+ Board................... 9-45
Description of the Indicators on the Panel of the
RAC-DPIU-01XGE-SFP+ Board............................................................. 9-46
SJ-20150204153047-004|2015-03-30 (R1.0)
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential