Step 1: Download EseeCloud.exe from CD and install it on your computer.Or go to
download the PC Client Software – EseeCloud.exe
Step2.1: Add device by Cloud ID
Go to Device management . Choose add device by Cloud ID.
Cloud ID :
same as Cloud ID
Enter the NVR’s User Name (default: admin)
Enter the NVR’s Password (default: No password required, just leave it blank)
same as the IP Pro/EseeCloud account Descriptions in smartphone
same as your NVR channel number
3. View on PC Client Software
After opening the EseeCloud software, User login interface will be popped up.Enter username, password and then click
“Login” to enter the EseelCoud operational interface. You could enable “Remember password” so that you don’t need to input
password when you want to PC client in next time.
The current version of IP Pro/EseeCloud only can use “admin” as username, and the default password is blank. For security
reasons, please be sure to modify your login password in the first login, in order to prevent unauthorized party access to your
device or cause other undesirable consequences.