TSic LABkit™ User Manual and Technical Description
LABkit, Rev.2.4, Oct. 18, 2005
Page 13 of 18
© ZMD AG & IST AG, 2005
All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior
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8 Appendix – Data Processing with Examples
Output String Format
The format of the serial data transmission (i.e., text data stream) is as follows:
The 11-bit sensor value is transferred unscaled as a 16-bit integer (ASCII code). Only the lower 11 bits are
used; the 5 highest bits are 0.
The data rate is 9600 baud. There are 8 data bits, no parity bit, and one stop bit. The transmission of the binary
data for one measurement set is done in a line. Information is sent continuously and separated by “;”
(semicolon). The character “$” and carriage return <CR> mark the end of the transmission.
Typical data line structure example:
Characters Definitions
Synchronization pattern for the beginning of the data line.
Measurement values of the four sensors; the data is transmitted in 4-bit groups (nibbles)
in hexadecimal ASCII code. The numeric measurement values are 2 bytes (4 ASCII
characters). The resolution depends on the sensor used. If the channel is not connected,
FFF is sent as the measurement.
; (semicolon)
Separator between the measurement values.
Check sum of all measurement values as an ASCII coded binary number. This sum adds
all the binary values. It is followed by a “;” (semicolon).
The end of the data line.
Measurement data can be logged in a file with a terminal program that allows data to be saved and evaluated at
a later point in time.