©2017 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics
Date: 2017/05/22
User Manual
Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Co., Ltd.
CAN-bus recording analyzer
CANREC User Manual
high-voltage equipments. At this point, the FFT spectrum analysis function can help
users quickly locate the specific interference frequency on the CAN-bus.
1) Click the “View” button on the menu tab, and then click the “FFT” button. The FFT
view window shown in Figure 5- 33 appears.
Figure 5- 33: FFT view
2) Click the
button to open the “Property” page list of the current FFT. The
detailed FFT information will be displayed, as shown in Figure 5- 34.
Figure 5- 34: FFT property page list
3) Click the
button to display the FFT transform views of different
channel waveforms, as shown in Figure 5- 35.
Figure 5- 35: FFT views of multiple channels