MultiBio700- User Manual
eSSL Pvt. Ltd.
Page 49
The recommended thresholds are as follows:
1: N 1: 1
High Low 45 25
Medium Medium 35 15
Low High 25 10
Algorithm Version
: This parameter is used to select the fingerprint algorithm version
between 9.0 and 10.0. Please select the algorithm version with caution because the
fingerprint templates of these two algorithm versions are incompatible.
Fingerprint Image
: This parameter is used to set whether to display the fingerprint
image on the screen during fingerprint enrollment or comparison. It has four options:
Show for Enroll:
Display the fingerprint on the screen in enrolling process.
Show for Match:
Display the fingerprint on the screen in verification process.
Always Show:
Display the fingerprint on the screen in enrolling and verifying process.
Never Show:
Never display the fingerprint on the screen in any case.
6.4 Face Parameters
1: 1 Threshold:
This parameter is used to set the threshold of
matching between the current face and the face template
enrolled in the device in the 1:1 verification mode. If the similarity
between the current face and the face template enrolled in the
device is larger than this threshold, the matching is successful;
otherwise, the matching is not successful. The valid value scope
is 55─120. The higher the threshold, the lower the FAR and the
higher the FRR are, and vice versa.
1:1: N Threshold:
This parameter is used to set the threshold of
matching between the current face and the face template enrolled in the device in the 1:
N verification mode. If the similarity between the current face and the face template
enrolled in the device is larger than this threshold, the matching is successful;