Marking servo for mounting screws.
Note servo is mounted to the end of the rails.
Line marked for rudder servo rails.
Hold the throttle servo at the end of the mount,
mark the hole locations in the ply. Be sure to leave
a 1/16 gap between the servo case and the mount.
Drill on the marks with a 1/16 bit.
Repeat for the other side.
Assemble the grommets and bushings on the
servos. Note that the brass bushings go in from the
bottom of the servo.
Screw the servo to the mounts, making sure the
case does not touch the mount.
Lay the mounted servo on the bench.
Check to see that it sits flat on the bench. If not, find
out why and correct it.
If you are using two of the Hitec 805 servos, follow
the instructions below.
If using something else (gear drive, etc), make sure
it is solidly mounted, and the center to center
distance for the servo arm holes are 3-1/2 inches.
Hitec 805 Servo Installation
Lay the servo box on its side, opening towards you,
and the front mount of the radio box on your right.
Make a pencil mark 1-5/8 inch from the bottom,
inside the box. This is where the top of the rudder
servo rails will be. Repeat on other side.