Non-Sound Decoder MX600 - MX634 and Sound Decoder MX640 - MX658 Page 67
“CV #8” – procedure for handling these CV sets:
Normally, the CV #8 contains the manufacturer identification number, which is
“145” in ZIMO’s case.
That value cannot be changed and is the reason why this CV can also be used for pseudo program-
ming (pseudo because the entered value is not really saved) to execute various actions.
CV #8 is about a decoder’s HARD RESET (which is standardized for all decoders) as well as the pro-
gramming of CV sets (only for ZIMO decoders).
CV #8 = xx
(xx = Number of the desired CV set); a HARD RESET will be performed, where all CV's
part of a CV set are set back to the “CV set default” values, and the remaining CV's to the default
values of the decoder (according to the CV table in this instruction manual).
CV #8 = 8
(this is
the NMRA standard reset); all CV’s are restored to the values of the previous hard
reset, i.e. the same CV set is reused as with the previous “CV #8 = xx” command; the remaining
CV’s once again restore to the decoder’s default values.
This is also the correct HARD RESET for OEM cases, where a ZIMO decoder was installed by
the loco manufacturer and the correct CV set was activated at that time.
Sound decoders are set back to the CV values as defined in the sound project. The above de-
scribed CV sets are NOT valid for sound decoders.
CV #8 = 8 is therefore the “normal” HARD RESET if one wants to return to the starting point be-
cause programming errors have been made, for example.
CV # 8 = 0
(this CV #8 procedure is NOT standardized and exists only in ZIMO decoders
); all CV’s
are reset to the default values as listed in the operating manual, regardless of any previously ac-
tive CV sets or sound projects.
Individual CV’s can of course be programmed differently at any time, even after a CV set or a hard
reset has been activated.
Converting binary to decimal
If, according to the CV table, a CV calls for setting individual bits (which is the case with CV #29, 112
and 124, for example) proceed as follows:
Each bit is assigned with a specific value:
Bit 0 = 1
Bit 1 = 2
Bit 2 = 4
Bit 3 = 8
Bit 4 = 16
Bit 5 = 32
Bit 6 = 64
Bit 7 = 128
The decimal values of all bits of the respective CV that are supposed to be set (Shown in the CV table
“Bit.. = 1”) are added up. All other bits (“Bit....= 0”) are ignored. Note that bits are numbered from
right to left.
Bit 0, 2, 4 and 5 are supposed to be set (Bit...=1); but not Bit 1, 3, 6 and 7 (Bit…=0).
This results in a bit-set of 00110101 and a decimal value of:
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
0 + 0 + 32 + 16 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 53 (decimal value)
The calculation in reverse:
A trial and error method is used to determine individual bits from a decimal figure: start with the larg-
est value. If a number is larger or equal to 128 then Bit 7 = 1. If the remaining number is larger or
equal to 64 then Bit 6 = 1 and so on.
Example: The decimal figure of 53 is neither larger or equal to 128, nor larger/equal to 64 but is larger
than 32. Therefore Bit 7 = 0, Bit 6 = 0 but Bit 5 = 1; the rest of 21 (53 - 32 = 21) is larger than 16 (Bit 4
= 1), the remaining 5 (21 - 16 = 5) is not larger than 8 but is larger than 4 (Bit 3 = 0, Bit 2 = 1), and fi-
nally 1 (5 - 4 = 1) is not larger/equal to 2 but is equal to 1 (Bit 1 = 0, Bit 0 = 1).