Page 14 Non-Sound Decoder MX618 - MX634 and Sound Decoder MX640 - MX648
Most digital systems (with the possible exception of very old or simple products) automatically calcu-
late the value for the CV’s involved and also set Bit 5 in CV #29 to the proper value when writing the
address, so that the user does not have to deal with the necessary coding.
Default Description
Short Address
1 - 127
1 - 80
The “short” (1-byte) loco address (DCC,MM)
In the case of DCC:
The address in CV #1 is only valid if CV #29, Bit 5 = 0.
Otherwise, if CV #29 Bit 5 = 1, the long address in CV
#17 + #18 applies.
Extended (long)
The long DCC address applies to addresses >127.
It is only active if CV #29 Bit5 = 1.
Basic Configuration
0 - 63
14 =
0000 1110
Bit 5 = 0
(for short
Bit 0 - Train direction:
0 = normal, 1 = reversed
Bit 1 - Number of speed steps:
0 = 14, 1 = 28
Bit 2 - DC operation (analog): *)
0 = disabled 1 = enabled
Bit 3 -
RailCom („bidirectional communication“)
0 = deactivated 1 = activated
Bit 4 - Individual speed table:
0 = off, CV # 2, 5 and 6 are active.
1 = on, according to CV ‘s # 67 – 94
Bit 5 - Decoder address selection:
0 = short address as per CV #1
1 = long address as per CV #17+18
controlled consisting (a.k.a. “Advanced consisting”)
The combined operation of two or more locomotives (consisting) can be managed by
- the DCC system (common practice with ZIMO systems,
without changing any decoder CV’s) or
by programming the following decoder CV’s individually, but can also be managed by some
DCC systems (often the case with American made systems).
This chapter covers only the decoder-controlled consisting!
Default Description
Consist address
– 127
129 - 255
( = 1 - 127
direction )
A common consist address for 2 or more engines can
be entered in this CV to each loco of the same consist.
If CV #19 > 0: Speed and direction is governed by this
consist address (not the individual address in CV #1 or
#17+18); functions are controlled by either the consist
address or individual address, see CV’s #21 + 22.
Bit 7 = 1: Driving direction reversed
Default Description
Extended consist
From SW version 36.6
0 - 255
The value of CV20 multiplied with 100 added together
with the value of CV 19 which result is the address at
e.g. CV20= 12, CV19=34 is address. 1234
CV20=100, CV19=00 is address 10000
Consist functions
F1 - F8
0 - 255
Functions so defined here will be controlled by the con-
sist address.
Bit 0 = 0: F1 controlled by individual address
= 1:
…. by consist address
Bit 1 = 0: F2 controlled by individual address
= 1: …. by consist address
………. F3, F4, F5, F6, F7
Bit 7 = 0: F8 controlled by individual address
= 1:
…. by consist address
Consist Functions
– F27
headlight control
0 - 191
Select whether the headlights are controlled with the
consist address or individual address.
Bit 0 = 0: F0 (forw.) controlled by individual address
1: …. by consist address
Bit 1 = 0: F0 (rev.) controlled by individual address
= 1: …. by consist address
Bit 2 = 0: F9 (forw.) controlled by individual address
= 1:
…. by consist address
Bit 3 = 0: F10 (forw.) controlled by individual address
= 1: …. by consist address
Bit 4 = 0: F11 (forw.) controlled by individual address
= 1: …. by consist address
Bit 5 = 0: F12 (forw.) controlled by individual address
= 1: …. by consist address
Bit 7 = 1: F13
– F27 (all!) ….by consist address
3.5 Analog operation
All ZIMO decoders are capable of operating on conventional layouts with DC power packs, including
PWM throttles, in
analog DC
as well as in
analog AC
(Marklin transformers with high voltage pulse for
direction change).
To allow analog operation
CV #29, Bit 2 = 1
must be set. This is usually the case by default (CV #29 = 14, which includes Bit 2 = 1), but analog op-
eration may be turned off in many sound projects (sound decoders).
It is recommended to turn ana-
log mode off when operating strictly on DCC!
The actual behavior during analog operation, however, is strongly influenced by the locomotive con-
troller (power pack). Especially in conjunction with a weak transformer, it is easily possible that the
track voltage collapses when the decoder (motor) starts to draw power which, in the worst case, may
lead to intermittent performance.
There are some adjustment possibilities for analog operation where motor control and function out-
puts are concerned; these CV’s can of course be read-out or programmed only with a DCC system or
other programming device.