2. Getting Started
expansion signal, IOEXP, is also supported. The IOEXP signal is automatically driven
low over the I/O address range FC00h to FFFFh. Application software should use this
address range to access STD bus I/O boards decoding IOEXP and fewer than 16 bits of
address to prevent the board from being redundantly mapped throughout the 64 Kbyte
I/O address space.
The ZT 8907 is populated with many of the most commonly used I/O peripheral devices
for industrial control and computing applications. The I/O address location for each of
the peripherals is shown in the "
" table below.
Attention ZT 8902 users:
ZT 8902 customers who are adapting their applications for
use with the ZT 8907 should be aware that there are some differences between the
ZT 8902 and ZT 8907 I/O maps. Compare the I/O maps provided in the respective
manuals to learn these differences.
ZT 8902 customers should review Appendix E, "
ZT 8907 Vs. ZT 8902: Technical
," for more information about how the ZT 8902 and ZT 8907 boards differ.
I/O Address Range Selection
I/O Address Range
I/O Usage
8000h - FFFFh
STD 32 Address Space
5000h - 7FFFh
PCI I/O Address Space
4E70h - 4FFFh
PCI I/O Address Space
46E8h - 46EFh
STD 32 or PCI I/O Address Space
VGA Configuration Register
4000h - 46E7h
PCI I/O Address Space
1000h - 3FFFh
PCI I/O Address Space
0C00h - 0FFFh
PCI I/O Address Space
0900h - 0BFFh
STD 32 Address Space
0800h - 08FFh
PCI I/O Address Space
0780h - 07FFh
STD 32 Address Space
0700h - 077Fh
STD 32 or PCI I/O Address Space
LPT ECP Ports Bits
0500h - 06FFh
STD 32 Address Space
0400h - 04FFh
PCI I/O Address Space
03F8h - 03FFh
STD 32 or PCI I/O Space
COM1 Register Set
STD 32 or PCI I/O Space
Primary IDE Registers Set
03F0h - 03F5h, 03F7h
STD 32 or PCI I/O Space
Floppy Register Set
03E0h - 03EFh
STD 32 Address Space
03B0h - 03DFh
STD 32 or PCI I/O Address Space
VGA Register Set
0380h - 03AFh
STD 32 Address Space
037Ch - 037Fh
STD 32 or PCI I/O Address Space
0378h - 037Bh
STD 32 or PCI I/O Address Space
LPT Port
PCI I/O Address Space
Secondary IDE Register
0370h - 0375h, 0377h
STD 32 Address Space
0300h - 036Fh
STD 32 Address Space
02F8h - 02FFh
STD 32 or PCI I/O Address Space
COM2 Register Set
0200h - 02F7h
STD 32 Address Space