1. Introduction
The STD 32 STAR SYSTEM is the DOS platform operating on more than one master in
a single STD bus system. Each master includes local memory, local I/O, and the DOS
operating system. Each master is capable of sharing STD bus memory and I/O, such as
fixed disks, floppy disks, and video. Refer to the STAR SYSTEM operating manual for
configuration and operating instructions.
Ziatech also offers software development kits for QNX
and VxWorks
systems. Contact Ziatech for details or view Ziatech's web site at
figure of the ZT 8907 is on the following page. The
blocks correspond to topics remaining in this chapter.
The following topics, not represented on the diagram, are also in this chapter:
Keyboard Controller
Speaker Interface
Optional Floppy Disk Interface