Technical Support:
Figure 9.
Scenes Window
After selecting the option "Yes" for "Scenes (will scenes be used?)", the "Scenes [1
byte]" object will be shown. This is the object intended to receive from the KNX bus the
scene activation orders.
Four additional fields will appear, from which it is possible to independently enable
("Yes") the four available scenes. For every enabled scene, the following options
should be parameterised according to the atmosphere to be generated.
Scene Number
: the numeric value (1 to 64) on whose arrival from the bus
(through the “Scenes [1 byte]” object, decreased by one –0 to 63–) the air
conditioning system will execute the scene.
: permits selecting whether, on the execution of the scene, the A/C
system should be switched on (“ON”), off (“OFF”) or left as is (“No change”).
: permits selecting whether, on the execution of the scene, the
setpoint temperature of the A/C system should be changed to a certain value
(between 16 and 30ºC) or left as is (“No change”).
: permits selecting whether, on the execution of the scene, the A/C
system should be set to a certain mode (Auto, Heat, Dry, Fan or Cool) or left
as is (“No change”).