Technical Support:
Independently of the status of IRSC Plus after bus power interruptions, a download or a
device reset from ETS, and also independently of whether the related orders should be
sent or not to the air machine (see Section 3.4), it is possible to activate initial sendings
of the status objects to the KNX bus, so that other KNX devices are informed about the
(new or not) state of the IRSC Plus controller (and thus, of the state sent to
assumed in
– the A/C system) after a bus interruption, a download or a device reset.
This is done from the “Reset (Data Update)” screen.
Figure 8.
Reset (Data Update)
It is possible to select which status objects will be sent to the bus (“Send”) and which
will not
(“Don’t send”), among the following:
the On/Off status of the A/C system will be sent to the bus through
the "ON/OFF (status)" object.
: the setpoint assumed after the bus failure, the download or the
device reset will be sent to the bus through the "Temperature" object.
: the working mode assumed by the A/C system after the bus failure,
the download or the device reset will be sent to the bus through the "Mode
(status)" object.