Operating Manual ZEMMLER MULTI SCREEN MS 1600
Safety advices
Operational safety
By following all advices for operational safety, danger to persons, environment and or
the double trommel can be avoided.
Ignoring these advices can cause under certain circumstances the following:
7. Danger to persons due to mechanical, electrical or chemical reaction
8. Endangering environment
9. Breakdown of the double trommel and or other machine components
Ignoring the safety regulations can lead to loss of any kind of claim of damages!
Conventional usage
The operating safety of the double trommel is only ensured by correct usage according
to the information of the operating manual.
The double trommel is a system build specifically for screening bulk goods into 3
fractions. At this, attention has to be paid for its maximum and minimum grain size as
well as the maximum humidity of the bulk good. Please look at
Every other or exceeding usage will not be conventional! Here from resulting damage
will be the liability of the owner. This is also applied for unauthorized changes on the
Part of conventional usage is adherence of starting-, operating- and maintenance
regulations, prescribed by Zemmler Siebanlagen GmbH. Also the authorized bulk goods
as well as listed operating materials and auxiliary materials.
Furthermore, only original spare parts are allowed to be disposed. Wrong or faulty spare
parts can lead to damage of the machine.
Maintaining the manufacturer’s guidelines for operation, maintenance and cleaning are
essential for conventional usage. By unauthorized usage and non-appropriate appliance
will result in exclusion of liability.
Our specialist will kindly answer your questions concerning bulk goods and the
according screens to assure an efficient utilization of the machine.
Danger signs on the double trommel screen
Signs attached directly on the machine or associated secondary installations like danger
signs, direction of rotation arrows, operation signs e.g. must be absolutely observed. It
is forbidden to remove this sign and they have to be kept readable.
The symbols of the danger signs have the following appearance and meaning: