background image



 Small atomizing nozzle


 Water pick up nozzle


 Rubber slat to the large atomizing nozzle


 Washing set


 Foam filter I (installed in the vacuum cleaner)


 Foam filter II (installed in the vacuum cleaner)


 Motor filter (installed in the vacuum cleaner)


 EPA E10 / HEPA H13 outlet filter (installed in the vacuum 


Preparing the vacuum cleaner for 



 Insert the end of the suction hose to the vacuum cleaner 

opening so that the markings   on the hose end and on the 

vacuum cleaner housing are opposite each other and turn 
the hose clockwise to the position  .


 Connect  the  other  end  of  the  hose  (handle)  with  the 

telescopic suction tube.



Hold the ring on the pipe and set chosen length putting it 

in or out.


 Assemble the appropriate nozzle or brush to the other 

end of the suction tube.


 Use  the  following  nozzles  and  brushes  for  traditional 

SAFBAG  using  the  water  filter  module:  combination 

carpet  &  floor  brush  with  small  objects  separator,  small 

nozzle, small brush, crevice nozzle, mattress nozzle, parquet 

brush or turbo brush.


 You may assemble a basket for picking up small objects 

in the combination brush with small item separator. In order 

to do so remove the basket cover and insert the basket.


 To clean hard surfaces – wooden floors, plastic floors, 

ceramic tiles etc. pull out the brush by pressing the switch on 

the nozzle according to the figure 



 The  vacuum  cleaner  is  equipped  with  an  accessory 

compartment. The compartment opens/closes with the use 

of  a  slider. To  open/close  the  compartment  side  the  slider 

downwards/upwards  and  take  out/  put  away  the  desired 



 The  vacuum  cleaner  may  be  stored  in  a  horizontal 

position;  in  order  to  this,  place  the  fastening  hook  of  the 

combination nozzle/brush into its fastening. The hose may 

be left attached to the vacuum cleaner, but it is important to 

pay attention not to leave it heavily bent during storage.


 Close the lid.


 Grab the plug 


 and pull the cord out of the vacuum 



Plug in the appliance.


  Before  switching  on  the  vacuum  cleaner 

with  the  on/off  button  (8),  make  sure  that  the 

appropriate module is installed in the container 

(see section C, E, or F).



 Switch on the vacuum cleaner by pressing the “on/off” 




In order to prepare the vacuum cleaner for wet operation 



  Assemble  the  spray  unit  –  the  suction  hose  handle 





Attach the hose fastenings to the suction hose and the 

telescopic suction tube.


 Attach  the  end  of  the  hose  (sleeve)  to  the  telescopic 

suction tube and insert the other end of the hose in the small 

atomizing nozzle or the large atomizing nozzle until you hear 

a characteristic click.


 Use the following nozzles for the wet vacuuming and wet 

cleaning function or to pick up water: large atomizing nozzle, 

small atomizing nozzle or the water pick up nozzle.


 Slide the stub pipe valve plug downwards.


Insert  the  stub  pipe  of  the  hose  to  the  valve  in  the 

vacuum cleaner housing.


Make sure the stub pipe fastenings snap shut.


  In case of difficulties in connecting the above 

mentioned  elements  moisten  the  gaskets  e.g. 

with technical vaseline, water, etc.

Vacuum cleaner functions



 Press and hold the container lid opening button 



lift the container lid.


 Put  the  SAFBAG  holder 


  into  the  container.  Make 

sure the holder is inserted correctly in the container guide 

slots and the safety lock is engaged. Unfold the bag in the 



  Do not put SAFBAG holder into a wet container. 

Thoroughly dry a wet container. SAFBAG dust 

bag must not get wet.


 Cover the container with the filtration unit.


  If the SAFBAG holder is not attached properly, 

the  safety  lock  will  prevent  covering  the 

container with the filtration unit.


Prepare the vacuum cleaner for operation according 

to section B.


 The vacuum cleaner starts at the same power level it had 

been working before it was turned off. Set the desired power 

value by pressing the power adjustment b/- 




  The vacuum cleaner is equipped with a power 

level memory function. When you turn off the 

vacuum  cleaner  using  the  ON/OFF  button 

(8),  the  power  level  is  going  to  be  stored  in 

memory.  After  the  vacuum  cleaner  is  turned 

on next time, it is going to start working at the 

same power level it had been working before it 

was turned off.


Содержание ZVC764AP

Страница 1: ...gowych grzejnik w Odkurzacz s u y r wnie do odkurzania materac w mebli zas on firanek oraz do zbierania cieczy i czyszczenia na mokro p ytek posadzek dywan w wyk adzin pod ogowych i tapicerki WSKAZ WK...

Страница 2: ...erania drobnych ele ment w W tym celu zdejmij nak adk koszyka i w koszyk 7 W celu odkurzania pod o y twardych pod g z drewna tworzyw sztucznych p ytek ceramicznych itp wysu szczotk wciskaj c prze czni...

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Страница 10: ...v n tekutin nutno vysava p ipravit podobn jako v p pad pou it modulu vodn ho filtru s touto v jimkou 1 N dr mus b t pr zdn bez vody 2 Pou ijte ploch vodn hubice velkou a malou vodn hubici velkou s n s...

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Страница 17: ...A H13 filter za nov ak je pinav 3 Vyberte a vyme te filter motora za nov ak je pinav 4 Je mo nos opl chnu EPA E10 HEPA H13 filter a filter chladiaceho vzduchu pod te cou vodou Pred op tovnou mont ou n...

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Страница 19: ...aki param terei a k sz l k n v leges adatt bl j n vannak felt ntetve H l zati biztos t k 16 A Az RTV v tel ben nem okoz zavart A k sz l k zajszintje LWA 85 dB A A porsz v fel p t se A 1 Foganty 2 A ta...

Страница 20: ...a megfelel tartoz kot 9 A porsz v v zszintes helyzetben t rolhat e c lb l helyezze a sz v kefe akaszt kamp j t a sz v kefe beakasz t j ba A porsz v cs vet felszerelve hagyhatja de figyeljen oda hogy...

Страница 21: ...lyr l a sz r egys get s h zza ki a SAFBAG 22 porsz kkal felszerelt kosarat 2 Hajl tsa felfele a SAFBAG porzs k lemez t s h zza ki a porzs kot a s n b l D 3 Cs sztassa az j SAFBAG porzs k lemez t a s...

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Страница 26: ...imentul se deschide i se nchide cu ajutorul glisorului Deplasa i glisorul sus sau jos pentru a scoate a introduce accesoriul necesar 9 Aspiratorul poate fi depozitat n pozi ie orizontal n acest scop i...

Страница 27: ...atorului cu ntreaga putere n acest caz trebuie s opri i aspiratorul cu aju torul butonului pornire oprire 8 scoate i te cherul din priz cur a i tuburile sau schimba i sacul SAFBAG Demontarea montarea...

Страница 28: ...8 Ap sa i butonul care regleaz fluxul apei n accesoriul de aspirare pulverizare de pe m nerul furtunului Ap sarea pulsativ a butonului cauzeaz sl birea momen tan a fluxului de ap iar ap sarea butonulu...

Страница 29: ...e mai jos nesp late sau sp late necorespunz tor poate duce la pierderea capabilit ilor de filtrare i la dezvol tarea bacteriilor i acarienilori Usca i bine toate componentele sp late nainte s le monta...

Страница 30: ...36 Zelmer Zelmer 230 V 16 A 8 RU 2000...

Страница 31: ...37 c T VIB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ZVC764CT ANTI ODOUR SAFBAG 1 EPA E10 ZVC764AP ANTI ALLERGY SAFBAG 1 HEPA H13 T 16 A 85 A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9...

Страница 32: ...38 10 11 12 13 14 15 T 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SAFBAG 23 M A B 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 C 32 I 33 II 34 35 EPA E10 HEPA H13 B 1 2 3 4 5 SAFBAG 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 8 C E F 12 8 13 26 14 15 16...

Страница 33: ...39 SAFBAG 1 2 2 SAFBAG 22 SAFBAG SAFBAG 3 SAFBAG B 4 9 8 10 12 9 8 MIN 2 MAX 9 10 12 C 6 8 SAFBAG 12 8 SAFBAG SAFBAG 1 SAFBAG 22 2 SAFBAG 3 SAFBAG 4 SAFBAG 22 C2 C3 SAFBAG 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 5 D E...

Страница 34: ...40 4 B 9 1 2 2 3 25 4 25 G 500 O Tens 31 G 500 O Tens BUZIL G 500 O Tens 5 25 6 31 ZELMER F G 478 Buz Defoam BUZIL B 9 7 7 8 II 33...

Страница 35: ...41 I 1 O 2 II 1 2 EPA E10 HEPA H13 EPA E10 HEPA H13 o 30 6 1 2 EPA E10 HEPA H13 3 4 EPA E10 HEPA H13 G H I 12 8 1 2 5 8 11...

Страница 36: ...42 2012 19 EU waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE...

Страница 37: ...43 Zelmer Zelmer 2000 8 BG 230 V 16 A...

Страница 38: ...44 16 85 dB A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VIB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ZVC764CT ANTI ODOUR SAFBAG 1 EPA E10 ZVC764AP ANTI ALLERGY SAFBAG 1 HEPA H13...

Страница 39: ...45 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SAFBAG 23 A B 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 C 32 33 34 35 EPA E10 HEPA H13 1 2 3 4 5 SAFBAG B 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 8 C E F 12 8 13 26 14 15 16...

Страница 40: ...46 SAFBAG 1 2 2 SAFBAG 21 SAFBAG SAFBAG 3 SAFBAG B 4 9 8 10 12 C 9 a 8 MIN 2 MAX a 9 10 12 6 8 SAFBAG 12 8 SAFBAG SAFBAG 1 SAFBAG 22 2 SAFBAG 3 SAFBAG 4 SAFBAG 22 C2 C3 SAFBAG D...

Страница 41: ...47 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 5 4 B 9 1 2 2 3 25 4 25 G 500 O Tens 31 G 500 O Tens BUZIL E F G 500 O Tens 5 25 6 31 ZELMER G 478 Buz Defoam BUZIL B 9 7 7 8...

Страница 42: ...48 8 11 1 2 1 2 G H 33 12 8 1 2 5...

Страница 43: ...49 EPA E10 HEPA H13 EPA E10 HEPA H13 30 6 1 2 EPA E10 HEPA H13 3 4 EPAE10 HEPAH13 2012 19 E waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE I...

Страница 44: ...50 Zelmer Zelmer 2000 8 230 V 16 A UA...

Страница 45: ...51 VIB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ZVC764CT ANTI ODOUR SAFBAG 1 EPA E10 ZVC764AP ANTI ALLERGY SAFBAG 1 HEPA H13 16 A RTV 85 A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13...

Страница 46: ...52 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SAFBAG 23 A B 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 EPA E10 HEPA H13 B 1 2 3 4 5 SAFBAG 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 i 8 C E F 12 8 13 26 i 14 click 15 16 SAFBAG 1 2 C...

Страница 47: ...53 2 SAFBAG 22 SAFBAG SAFBAG 3 SAFBAG B 4 9 8 10 12 9 8 MIN 2 MAX 9 10 12 6 8 SAFBAG i 12 8 i SAFBAG SAFBAG 1 SAFBAG 22 2 SAFBAG 3 SAFBAG 4 SAFBAG 22 C2 i C3 SAFBAG 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 5 4 B D E...

Страница 48: ...54 9 1 2 2 i 3 25 4 25 G 500 O Tens 31 G 500 O Tens BUZIL G 500 O Tens 5 25 6 i ZELMER 31 G 478 Buz Defoam BUZIL B F 9 7 7 8 II 33 i 12 8...

Страница 49: ...55 1 2 click 1 i 2 EPA E10 HEPA H13 EPA E10 HEPA H13 30 6 1 2 EPA E10 HEPA H13 3 4 EPAE10 HEPAH13 2012 19 EU waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE G H I 1 2 5 8 11 i a...

Страница 50: ...56 26663 19848 5 40 1 15150 c...

Страница 51: ...or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved Children...

Страница 52: ...n doorsteps and uneven surfaces not to cause an excessive rippling of the water inside the tank This might lead to a slight water overflow Appliance features The vacuum cleaner is designed to collect...

Страница 53: ...the on off button 8 make sure that the appropriate module is installed in the container see section C E or F B 12 Switch on the vacuum cleaner by pressing the on off button 8 In order to prepare the...

Страница 54: ...partition in the container Make sure the partition is inserted correctly in the container guide slots and the safety lock is engaged D E 3 Fill the container with 1 3 1 5 liter of water The water lev...

Страница 55: ...he suction if the foam filter II 33 is heavily dirty or the liquid exceeds the maximum level It is manifested by a pulsing limitation of the motor power and the lighting up of the clogged air inlet in...

Страница 56: ...n the filter cover 2 Remove and replace the EPA E10 HEPA H13 filter with a new one when the filter becomes dirty 3 Remove and replace the motor filter with a new one when the filter becomes dirty 4 It...
