background image




Remove the water tank.


Add the appropriate amount of descaling agent to the water tank (see the dispensing 

instructions on the package).


Then pour 250 ml of fresh water into the tank.


Replace the water tank.


Ensure that grounds container is correctly positioned in the appliance.


Now press 



) to start the descaling process of the milk system.

The “Milk froth” indication is flashing.


Open the rotary switch for milk froth/hot water.


The appliance will implement several descaling cycles. Pause times are for the descaling 

agent to take effect.
After completion of the 1st phase of the descaling process, the indication for “Milk froth” 

is flashing.


Close the rotary switch for milk froth/hot water.

The indication “Descaling programme” is flashing quickly.


Remove the drip tray and empty it.


Press the drip tray back onto the appliance until it audibly engages.

  The drip tray serves as collecting container for the cleaning water. You can 

alternatively place a container (>350 ml) under the outlet.


 display lights up permanently.


Now press 



) to start the descaling process of the brewing unit.

The appliance will implement addition descaling cycles. Pause times are for the descaling 

agent to take effect.
After  completion  of  the  2nd  phase  of  the  descaling  cycles,  the  indication  “Descaling 

programme” is flashing quickly.


Remove the drip tray and empty it.


Press the drip tray back onto the appliance until it audibly engages.


 display lights up permanently.







The “Fill water tank” display lights up permanently.


Remove the water tank and rinse it.

 Descaling solutions can be harmful to the health! For this reason it is imperative 

that you thoroughly clean the water tank after the descaling process.


Fill the water tank with at least 1 litre of fresh water.


Remove the water tank.


 display lights up permanently.


Then push 




The cleaning phase of the descaling process begins.
The appliance carries out a rinse programme with 250 ml fresh water.

The indication “Descaling programme” is flashing quickly.


Remove the drip tray and empty it.


Press the drip tray back onto the appliance until it audibly engages.


 display lights up permanently.


Then push 




The “Milk froth” indication is flashing.


Open the rotary switch for milk froth/hot water.

The appliance carries out a rinse programme of the milk system with 100 ml fresh water.
The “Milk froth” indication is flashing.


Close the rotary switch for milk froth/hot water.

The indication “Descaling programme” is flashing quickly.

Содержание ZCM3821B


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Страница 10: ...isk 6 6 5 4 3 2 Ikona programu Czyszczenie modułu mlecznego oraz lampka kontrolna temperatury migają podczas gdy uruchamia się na krótko podgrzewanie Po zakończeniu podgrzewania na panelu sterowania migają ikony Czysz czenia modułu mlecznego oraz Spienionego mleka Do zbiornika wody wlej 200 ml wody oraz odpowiednią ilość środka do czyszczenia modułu mlecznego zapoznaj się ze wskazówkami dozowania ...

Страница 11: ...RYCZNYCH RESET Funkcja ta pozwala zresetować wszystkie samodzielnie wprowadzone ustawienia oraz powrót do ustawień fabrycznych Dotyczy to następujących ustawień Twardość wody Poziom napełniania filiżanki Ilość ziaren do zmielenia Temperatura kawy Czas automatycznego wyłączania Podświetlenie zbiornika wody Aby powrócić do ustawień fabrycznych naciśnij i przytrzymaj przyciski 2 i 4 przez ok 3 sekund...

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Страница 18: ...ącz urządzenie ponow nie gdy ostygnie tj po ok 30 minutach Jeżeli komunikat dalej jest wyświetlany na panelu sterowania oznacza to że pojawił się błąd wymaga jący oceny technicznej Skontaktuj się z nami za pomocą infolinii 801 005 500 22 20 55 259 Jeżeli pomoc drogą telefo niczną nie będzie możliwa zostaniesz poinformowany o dalszym postępowaniu Błąd napięcia wejściowego Wyłącznik główny zablokowa...

Страница 19: ...pady gdy ekspres jest włączony W zależności od stopnia grubości mielenia ziarna oraz stopnia wypełnienia filiżanki powstaje różna ilość odpadów co powoduje że częstotliwość cykli opróżniania pojemnika może być inna niż wskazana Woda w pojemniku na odpady Wyciek wody do pojemnika na odpady podczas każdego procesu płukania Brak szczególnego rozwiązania przyczyna techniczna Kawa wypływa bardzo wolno ...

Страница 20: the appliance Never immerse the coffee machine itself the mains cable or the mains plug into water or other liquids CAUTION Not observance can result in damage to possessions Always place the unit on a flat level surface Do not use your coffee maker with empty water tank Always fill the water tank with fresh cold and clean water Using warm hot water or other liquids may damage the appliance or...

Страница 21: ... Removable drip tray with stainless steel grid 9 Plug in card with quickstart instructions 10 Coffee powder shaft for previously ground coffee 11 Coffee bean container 12 Lever for setting the grinding fineness 13 Rotary switch for milk froth hot water 14 Cover for bean container 15 Measuring spoon with cleaning brush and tool function 16 Test strip for determining the water hardness 17 Milk tube ...

Страница 22: ...rder to assume a fault free operation the ambient temperature should be between 8 C and 40 C When the appliance has cooled under 0 C the appliance temperature must reach an area within the recommended ambient temperature before switching on the appliance once again ELECTRICAL CONNECTION For safe and trouble free operation of the coffee machine the following instructions on electrical connection mu...

Страница 23: ... with clean hands and tools to prevent germs from getting into the milk FILLING WITH WATER Milk mineral water or other liquids can damage the water tank or the coffee machine Only fill the water tank with fresh cold water Observe the maximum filling level of 1 4 litres During initial startup or when the water tank was previously emptied completely water intake can be slowed down In this case it is...

Страница 24: ...y pressing the ON OFF button 2 times Exception during the rinsing procedure when switching the coffee machine on off DETERMINING THE WATER HARDNESS Before using the coffee machine for the first time it should be set to the appropriate water hardness for your region You can determine the water hardness with the help of the test strip supplied with the coffee machine Proceed as follows Dip the test ...

Страница 25: ...ficult to move clean it Refer to Chapter REMOVING AND CLEANING THE COFFEE DISPENSING UNIT Select the desired cup size by pressing the button 4 6 5 4 3 2 The following selections are possible Coffee mug approx 190 ml Coffee cup approx 120 ml Espresso cup approx 40 ml The selection of cup size is only possible in one or two cup mode The default factory setting approx 120 ml per cup is set for the fo...

Страница 26: ... powdered coffee proceed as follows Select the Coffee powder function by pressing the button 5 6 5 4 3 2 The following symbol lights up in the display During preparation of coffee with powder only one cup can be prepared with powdered coffee The ground coffee quantity function is deactivated Therefore no information on the ground coffee quantity appears on the display Select the desired cup size b...

Страница 27: ... Macchiato first pull the drip tray out of the appliance so that the taller Latte Macchiato glasses can fit under the coffee outlet Put one or two glasses under the coffee outlet In order to reduce heat loss and splashing adjust the dispensing spout height to suit your cup glass size by moving it up or down If the height adjuster is difficult to move clean it Proceed as described in section REMOVI...

Страница 28: ...e required hardness coffee temperature is set 6 5 4 3 2 The image below shows the displays for the 3 possible coffee temperature settings Warm Hot Extra Hot Save the entries and quit the menu by confirming with button 6 All function displays of the menu flash for approx 3 seconds to confirm The appliance then returns to the normal operating mode 6 5 4 3 2 SETTING AND STORING THE SHUT OFF TIME In o...

Страница 29: ... filling level indicator becomes visible through the opening in the cup grate Clean the drip tray with the cup grate with warm water and a mild washing up liquid Wipe the coffee bean container with a dry lint free cloth MILK SYSTEM CLEANING PROGRAM If you switch off the coffee machine with the ON OFF button after dispensing a coffee speciality with milk the coffee machine performs a rinsing cycle ...

Страница 30: ...t side Release the distribution hose on the door by pulling it lightly from the inside of the door towards the outside 2 and pressing to the left 3 so that it clicks out of the fastener The dispensing unit can now be removed and the interior is easily accessible Thoroughly clean the coffee dispensing unit from the inside and outside with warm water and a suitable brush to remove any coffee residue...

Страница 31: ...stainless steel screens must be rinsed out well to remove any coffee residue Shake the brewing unit lightly under water Recommendation Soak the brewing unit for approx 30 minutes in hot water and a mild detergent then rinse all openings using a strong flow of water Dry the brewing unit Replace the brewing unit by turning it into the right position the outlet tube facing downwards and to the front ...

Страница 32: ... PROGRAM The descaling program enables simple and effective descaling of your coffee machine You should descale the appliance at regular intervals but at the latest when the following indication is flashing on the display The descaling process runs in 2 phases takes approx 10 minutes and should not be interrupted In case of power failure during the descaling program it has to be restarted The freq...

Страница 33: cycles Pause times are for the descaling agent to take effect After completion of the 2nd phase of the descaling cycles the indication Descaling programme is flashing quickly Remove the drip tray and empty it Press the drip tray back onto the appliance until it audibly engages The display lights up permanently Naciśnij przycisk 6 The Fill water tank display lights up permanently Remove the wate...

Страница 34: ...ause damage to the brewing unit in the long run It is imperative that you rinse the brewing unit thoroughly after every descaling process CLEANING THE NOZZLE OF THE MILK FROTHER To clean the the nozzle of the milk frother proceed as follows Push the coffee dispensing unit into the uppermost position Open the door with the coffee outlet unit by pulling it up on the left side Pull the milk hose out ...

Страница 35: ...r Brewing unit not or not correctly fitted Insert the brewing unit into the appliance and close the door Brewing unit overfilled Press button the message Brewing unit soiled is displayed Remove the brewing unit and rinse it thoroughly with flowing water Grinding fineness is set too fine or coffee powder used is too fine Set a coarse grinding fineness or use different coarser coffee powder Water sy...

Страница 36: ...e run the cleaning or descaling program see sections RUNNING THE CLEANING PROGRAM and RUNNING THE DESCALING PROGRAM Empty grounds container is displayed outside the allowed dispensed quantities 6 14 Waste container was emptied while the coffee machine was switched off Empty the waste container only when the coffee machine is switched on Depending on grinding fineness and coffee filling level diffe...

Страница 37: ...ZCM3821 001_v01 ...

Страница 38: ...ZCM3821 001_v01 ...

Страница 39: ...ZCM3821 001_v01 ...

Страница 40: ...ści do rozmiaru filiżanki 4 Zwarta konstrukcja wszystkie elementy dostępne są z przodu urządzenia 1 Milk frothing function with control knob 2 Prepare different types of coffee espresso latte cappuccino 3 Height adjustable coffee dispenser fits any size of cup 4 Compact design all elements are accessible from the front of the unit 1 3 2 4 Zelmer Pro Sp z o o ul Hoffmanowej 19 35 016 Rzeszów POLAND...
