background image




  Remove  the  drip  tray  with  caution,  because 

water  in  the  water  reservoir  and  the  fluid 

collected in the drip tray may still be very hot 

despite other parts of the appliance are cold.


By means of the water level indicator, the amount of water 

in  the  reservoir  may  be  checked  when  the  appliance  is 

operating. If the water level is approaching MIN, proceed as 



  For  food  that  requires  longer  cooking,  check 

the water level on a regular basis. 


 Pull out the water inlet.


  Steam  may  be  escaping  from  underneath  the 

water  inlet.  Be  careful  when  pouring  water  to 

avoid the risk of burns.


 Fill the water reservoir to the MAX level slowly pouring 

water through the water inlet.



Be careful not to spill the water when pouring.


 Push in the water inlet.

Additional Features



The steam cooker has a built-in protection against starting 

the  appliance  with  no  water  in  the  water  reservoir.  After 

approximately  30  seconds  from  starting  (from  pressing 



),  you  will  hear  a  beep  and  the  display 


.  Switch  off  the  appliance  by  pressing 



,  then  fill  the  reservoir  with  water  (see  "POUR 

WATER")  and  re-set  the  cooking  parameters  (see  "Steam 

cooker functions and operation").


The  appliance  is  equipped  with  an  electronic  system  to 

monitor  the  water  level.  If  the  water  level  is  too  low,  an 
acoustic signal will sound, the display will show 

, and 

the appliance will stop automatically.


Fill  the  water  reservoir  (see  "TOP  UP  WATER  WHILE 



To restart the appliance, press 



. The 

appliance will continue its operation.



  programs  may  be  used  to  keep  the 

most  frequently  used  cooking  times.  For  example,  if  you 

often cook meat in the steam cooker for 55 minutes, set the 

time for P1 or P2 program for 55 minutes.



  Do not put your hands into the appliance while 

cooking. To check the progress of cooking or 

mixing use a tool with a long handle.




To change the cooking time for the steam generators or 

stop cooking during appliance operation, press 



. You will hear a double beep.

  If  an  additional  steam  generator  is  activated, 

follow the steps described in paragraphs 4-6.

  When no button is pressed for 10 minutes, the 

appliance turns off.







a steam generator for which you want to change the settings.



Adjust the cooking time to suit your needs using 







If changing an automatic program to a different one, use 



 to set a new program.



To start the appliance, press 







After cooking is finished, you will hear a beep and the 

keep  warm  function  will  start  automatically 

.  The 

program is set to 60 minutes as default, this value cannot be 

changed. After this time, the appliance turns off automatically.

  At any time, by pressing 

 button the 

keep warm function may be stopped 


and the appliance may be switched of with 




 After  cooking  is  finished,  pull  out  the  power  cord  plug 

from the mains.


 Remove the lids from the bowls and then steam bowls 

from the appliance.



Use oven gloves to remove the steam bowls.


  After cooking is finished do not lean over the 

appliance  with  the  lids  removed,  as  it  may 

cause skin burns.


  Do  not  remove  the  drip  tray  until  completely 



  Empty the drip tray each time you have finished 


Содержание sc1600-001

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Страница 4: ...o Lewy przedni 200 g 30 Prawy przedni 200 g Tylny 400 g Kurczak Lewy przedni 300 g 20 Prawy przedni 300 g Tylny 600 g Ry Lewy przedni 75 g 35 Prawy przedni 75 g Tylny 150 g Delikatne gotowanie Ci g e...

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Страница 6: ...ogram uruchomi si automatycznie po zako czeniu gotowania czy zosta w czony przez u ytkownika W pierw szym przypadku program wy czy si po 60 minu tach za w drugim u ytkownik ma mo liwo ustawienia czasu...

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Страница 44: ...50 SC1600 001_v03 1 2 3 MIN MAX MAX MAX 40 60 MIN 10 1 2 up 3 B C 4 5 6 1 D E F G...

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Страница 54: ...60 SC1600 001_v03 2 2 3 3 4 P1 10 1 30 2 20 2 17 2 4 100 15 100 200 200 23 200 400 200 30 200 400 300 20 300 600...

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Страница 59: ...65 SC1600 001_v03 Zelmer Zelmer 8 8 UA...

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Страница 61: ...67 SC1600 001_v03 18 19 20 2 21 22 23 LCD 24 25 26 27 LCD I II III 1 2 3 MIN MAX MAX B I I II II II III III...

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Страница 63: ...69 SC1600 001_v03 10 1 30 2 20 2 17 2 4 100 15 100 200 200 23 200 400 200 30 200 400 300 20 300 600 75 35 75 150 10 8 30 90 30 5 60 6 3 5...

Страница 64: ...70 SC1600 001_v03 7 8 4 6 10 9 10 11 12 13 60 14 15 MIN 1 H...

Страница 65: ...71 SC1600 001_v03 2 MAX 3 30 P1 P2 55 P1 P2 55 60 30 60 30 30 60 60...

Страница 66: ...72 SC1600 001_v03 LCD i 1 2 3 4 5 I 6 2 3 2 20 PE...

Страница 67: ...73 SC1600 001_v03 26663 19848 5 40 1 15150...

Страница 68: ...on concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and if they understand the hazards involved Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children unless they are older than 8 and supervised Kee...

Страница 69: ...ype environments In case it is used for food business purposes the warranty conditions shall change Make sure the water level is always between Min and Max This will ensure a proper cooking process De...

Страница 70: ...reservoir must be between the MIN and MAX marks Do not exceed the MAX level marked on the side wall of the water reservoir Filling the water reservoir to the MAX level allows for approximately 40 min...

Страница 71: ...functions and operation 1 After installing all the components see DRIP TRAY AND BOWLS ASSEMBLY connect the appliance to a suitable power source You will hear a single beep all the buttons and indicat...

Страница 72: ...g 23 Front right 200 g Rear 400 g Meat Front left 200 g 30 Front right 200 g Rear 400 g Chicken Front left 300 g 20 Front right 300 g Rear 600 g Rice Front left 75 g 35 Front right 75 g Rear 150 g Ge...

Страница 73: ...t the appliance press button The appliance will continue its operation P1 and P2 CUSTOMISED PROGRAMS and programs may be used to keep the most frequently used cooking times For example if you often co...

Страница 74: ...partially cooked meat do not drip on other food It is recommended that portions of the products were of similar size If the portions are of different sizes it is necessary to stack them in layers sma...

Страница 75: ...the mains During this process drip tray steam bowls and lids should be fitted Set the cooking time for 20 minutes Descaling will be more efficient if you enable all steam generators When the applianc...

Страница 76: ...Notes...
