Trouble Shooting
B 48-0021 e 10.2003
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If errors occur, check first the setup instructions of the camera.
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Please also pay attention to all the comments in the file
, which
is displayed during the driver installation.
AxioCam MR does not appear in the menu of selectable cameras
Make sure that the AxioCam MR files have been installed in
accordance with the installation of the software.
For Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional and Microsoft Windows XP
Professional: Make sure that the camera drivers have been installed
with administrator rights.
No camera image on your screen
Check the light setting of the microscope.
Is the green control light on the camera on? If not, check the cable
connections between camera and computer.
Execute an automatic exposure measurement (Autoexposure).
Check display adjustments for the live image
Check the aperture diaphragm of the microscope.
Check the position of the beam splitter between the ocular and the
TV port.
The color of the image is green and not realistic coloring
Check white balance and, if necessary, repeat white balance.