In Contact With Skin
Liquid splashes or spray may cause freeze burns. Unlikely to be hazardous by skin absorp-
tion. Thaw affected areas with water. Remove contaminated clothing carefully - may adhere
to skin in case of freeze burns. Wash affected areas with plenty of warm water. If symptoms
occur (irritation or blistering), obtain medical attention.
In Contact With Eyes
Contact with liquid or cold vapor can cause freezing of tissue. Immediately flush with plenty
of clean water for at least 15 minutes. Obtain immediate medical attention.
High concentration of HFC 134a vapor is harmful. It can act as an asphyxiant by limiting
available oxygen. Human health effects of overexposure to HFC- 134a vapors by inhalation
may include temporary nervous system depression with anaesthetic effects such as dizzi-
ness, headache, confusion, incoordination and loss of consciousness. At very high doses,
cardiac sensitization to circulating epinephrine-like compounds can result in fatal cardiac
If large concentrations are inhaled, immediately remove to fresh air. Keep person calm. If
not breathing, give artificial respiration, perferably mouth to mouth. If breathing is labored,
give oxygen. In the event of cardiac arrest, apply external cardiac massage. Do not admininster
adreneline or similar sympathominectic drugs as cardiac arrhythmias may result. Get imme-
diate medical attention.
Stable under normal conditions.
Conditions to Avoid
Any source of ignition, such as lighted cigarettes, flames, hot spots, welding.
Materials to Avoid
Finely divided metals, magnesium and alloys conatining more than 2% magnesium. Can
react violently if in contact with alkali earth metals such as sodium, potassium, calcium,
barium, powdered aluminium, magnesium and Zinc.
Halogens, halogen acids and possibly carbonyl halides such as phosgene. These are toxic
Decomposition Products
and corrosive.
General Precautions
Avoid inhalation of high concentrations of vapors. Atmospheric concentrations should be
minimized and kept as low as possible. The vapor is heavier than air and collects at low level
and in confined areas. Ventilate by extraction at lowest levels.
Respiratory Protection
Where doubt exists on atmospheric concentration, suitable breathing apparatus should be
worn. This should be self-contained or of the long breather type.
Store in a cool, well-ventilated area of low fire risk. Keep cylinders dry. Cylinders should be
stored upright with valve protection cap in place and firmly secured to prevent falling or being
knocked over. Protect cylinders from physical damage; do not drag, roll, slide or drop. Do
not allow storage area temperature to exceed 113ºF (45ºC). Keep away from direct sunlight,
heat and sources of ignition. Full and empty cylinders should be segregated. Use a first-in,
first-out inventory system to prevent full containers from being stored for long periods of
Protective Clothing
Wear overalls, impervious gloves and goggles/face protection.
Spill / leak Procedure
Ensure suitable personal protective clothing and respiratory protection is worn. Evacuate all
personnel from the affected area. Shut off source of leak, if possible without risk. Ventilate
spill area, especially low places where heavy vapors might collect. If possible dike and con-
tain spillage. Prevent liquid from entering sewers, sumps or pit areas, since vapor can create
suffocating atmosphere. Allow spilled liquid to evaporate.
Best to recover and recycle. If this is not possible, destruction is to be in an approved facility
which is equipped to absorb and neutralize acids and other toxic processing products.
Fire Extinguishing Data
Fire exposed containers should be kept cool with water sprays. Containers may burst if
Fire Fighting Protective
Self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing must be worn in fire conditions.