background image

*apply to the product ZCM-22P/U

*apply to the product ZCM-22P/U














 - setting the current clock time; entry after pressing OK;

 HOUR- choose adequate hour with cursor 

 which you can set in 1-24   or 1-12   (AM) and 1-12 

 (PM) format; confirm with OK;

 MINUTES - choose adequate parameter of minutes with cursors 

 confirm with OK;

 Confirmation of the parameter of minutes causes simultaneous nullification of the parameter of 

seconds and movement to the window of time setting.

It is possible to exit every sub- menu window in any moment without saving settings by press-

ing the button   or  .


 - Current date setting; entry after pressing OK;

 YEAR - choose adequate year with cursors 

 confirm with OK, range of 

years: 2000÷2099;

 MONTH - choose month with cursors 

 confirm with OK;

 DAY - choose day with cursors 

 confirm with OK; the system has a protec-

tion against introducing incorrect parameter of a day for a given month ( it 

takes into account leap years and it automatically calculates the day of the 

week on the basis of an arranged date);

 Confirmation causes movement to a date setting window and set-up of cur-

rent summer/ winter time - if the option 

 is arranged.


 - choice of one of the two modes in which switching between winter and summer 

season time will occur. 

 - switching will take place in an automatic way, on the last 

Sunday of March, at 2.00 (for summer time) and on the last Sunday of October, at 3.00 (for 

winter time), 

 - a user chooses between winter/ summer time, entry after pressing 


   setting the mode - choose mode 


 with cursors 

, confirm with OK; after 

choosing the mode 

, the clock automatically sets the time as winter or summer one, 

depending on the arranged date; after choosing the mode 

 you go to another window;

 Choose time for winter/ summer one with cursors 

 where   is winter time and   is 

summer time, if change of marker has happened the system will change the current time 

by adding or subtracting 1 hour, confirm the operation with OK;

 After choosing the system moves to winter/ summer time shift window. 

Description of elements and messages displayed

 - days of week   

 - current time setting and summer/winter time shift

 - relay status 



 - current date setting

 - automatic mode 




 - manual mode 



 - external memory operation*

 - external input 



 - external memory record*

  - winter time 



 - external memory reading*

 - summer time 



 - external memory busy*

 - day, 

- year 



 - reading / record error*

 - program setting 



 - automatic, 

 - user’s


 - switched on / switched off

Button description


• in the main window – the automatic mode enter or  relay state changeover, if the timer already in the automatic mode;


• the other windows – exit to a higher level without changes saving; 


• in the main window – the manual mode enter or the relay state changeover, if the timer already in the manual mode;


• the other windows – exit to a higher level without changes saving;


  • in the main window – the main menu enter;


• the other windows - a submenu enter or setting acknowledgement;


  • the window / option toggle or the set value increase / decrease.

Menu enter by pressing OK;

menu items scrolling by means of cursors  .


Function Description




















It is possible to exit every sub- menu window in any moment without saving 

settings by pressing the button   or  .

 MANUAL OP MODE TOGGLE  -  if the main window is open and 

the timer is in the automatic mode   pressing key   will force 

the unit to toggle into the manual mode and the relay state 


   Successive   key pressing will force the relay state change-

over without the op mode toggle;


- defining ON-times and OFF-times for the given week’s days for the given programs running in the automatic mode;  messages on busy ON and OFF programs quantities are being 

showed alternatively in the current window:    

 (e. g. 

); edition entering by pressing OK; the programs are numbered as pairs (  / 

). Max programs quantity is equal to 200   


 With   ursors select a program (e.g. 

   ) for its parameters editing and enter edition with OK;

 MONTH - with 

 cursors select the month, acknowledge with OK;

 DAY - with 

 cursors select the day, acknowledge with OK;

 The next stored program will be displayed (e.g. 


) - Press OK. to enter edition; in order to select the other program use 

 cursors, to exit programming press   or  ;

 The last program is 




If in mode of editing of minutes   button POK will be pushed and hold for 3 s time programmer will go to edition of next programm where the field will be primarily filled with settings from 

previous programm. This is to shorten the programming time in case that the next programms follow after each other in short periods of time (for example the same month, day, hour, minute).

 PROGRAM VIEWING   -  viewing settings for the switching programs (  / 

) i.e. hours, 

minutes; enter viewing with OK;

   In order to scroll the programs press successively cursors 

; cursor   increases the  pro-

gram number;   cursor decreases the program no.;

  The programs are numbered in the form of ON / OFF (  / 

) pairs, where every program may 

be treated independently; there are 400 programs (200 pairs   / 


If the time programmer works in automatic mode then during checking the programs there 

is a possibility to proof which program will come as next one. This information is signal-

ised by   icon next to this program.
It is possible to exit every sub- menu window in any moment without saving settings by 

pressing the button   or  .

  PROGRAM CANCEL / RESTORE  -  the option is used  during program setting and viewing   for program cancelling  (inactiva-

tion) and restoring; enter by pressing OK;

 With   elect the program to be cancelled / restored;

  Press and hold  OK for 

3 seconds

 – if the program is active it will be cancelled (inactivated) and will not be checked during the 

timer operating in the automatic mode (however it will by saved in the storage and it will be possible to restore the program); 

horizontal lines will be displayed;

 In order to restore the cancelled program press OK (the saved settings will be displayed).


 - setting the unit mode after the IN external input triggering; enter 

edition by pressing OK; with 

 cursors select an appropriate external input 

mode, where:


 - the external input function is OFF;


 - the manual mode with the relay continuous switch-OFF;


 - the manual mode with the relay continuous switch-ON;

   - the automatic mode, the relay is being switched ON / OFF according to the 

preset programs;

 Acknowledge selection with OK; after acknowledgement the external input 

settings window will be entered.

It is possible to exit every sub- menu window in any moment without sav-

ing settings by pressing the button   or  .

 AUTOMATIC MODE TOGGLE - if the main window is open and the timer is in the manual mode   pressing key   will force the unit to toggle into the automatic mode and the relay state changeover;

   Successive   pressing will force the relay state changeover without the op mode toggle.

 In order to cancel the clock system (time, date, activity of given functions etc.) you should hold buttons (  and  ) simultane-

ously in the main menu for 

3 sec


 All the display fields will light up;

 After a while,  the clock will automatically set date and time.

●  ZCM series programmers have a default setting, the so called storage mode in order to protect the battery during storage.
●  In case of battery backup operation the storage mode is switched off during the first  use of the programmer. It is done by means of a short pressing of the   push-button and subsequent 

date and time adjustment. 

●  In case of a nominal power supply the storage mode is switched off during the first  use of the programmer by means of date and time adjustment.
●  Adjusting the programmer into the storage mode is realised by means of a reset - in order to carry it out press at the same time the   and   push-buttons in the main window.
●  ZCM series programmers have the option to replace the clock maintenance battery. Before replacing the battery, disconnect the programmer from the external power supply. Please pay 

the attention to correct battery polarity when replacing.
