background image

t > 3s

t > 3s

t > 3s

t > 3s

t > 3s











t > 3s

t > 3s

t > 3s

Switch ON/OFF with BISTABLE button of the transmitter + brightening/dimming function

The controller changes the output 

function periodically after short 

pressing of the transmitter’s push- 

button always the same. Holding 

the transmitter’s push- button 

longer (>3s) starts the brightening 

function up to the maximum. The dimming function is available after releasing and holding 

of the transmitter’s push-button.
Switch ON/ switch OFF with two push-buttons of the transmitter  

+ brightening/dimming function

The controller switches on the output after 

pressing of the push-button programmed 

as „ON” and switches off the output after 

pressing of the push-button programmed 

as „OFF”. The brightening function is carried 

out by holding the button „ON” for a longer 

time (>3s). The dimming function is carried 

out by holding the button „OFF” for a longer 

time (>3s).
Time mode

The output is switched on 

after short pressing of the 

transmitter’s button. The 

output switches off auto-

matically if the programmed 

time is reached (1 s to 18 h) or if the same push-button of the transmitter will be pressed again. 

If the programmed time is reached then switching off is carried out during t=10 s as fluent 

slowly dimming. If the button will be released again when the dimming function is active, then 

the time will be counted from the beginning – time retrigable function.

IN1 input – short applying „+” potential to IN1 input will start the switch on/switch off se-

quence. Longer (>3 s) applying „+” potential to IN1 input will start the brightening func-

tion up to maximum. Dimming function is available up to minimum when „+” potential is 

removed and again applied to IN1 input. The input is adapted for co-operation with pull-up 

IN2 input – applying „+” potential to IN2 input activates superior switching on of the output 

of the SLR-01 controller. At the time the function for radio control is blocked. If applying „+” 

potential to IN2 input is removed the controller output is switched off and radio control 

function is unblocked. The input can be used for co-operation with voltage-free NC contact 

for example with twilight switch.

Mode 1 – only motion sensor

SLR-01 controller must be programmed in the time mode with a minimum time adjustment 

of 15 s. If the RCR-01 motion sensor detects motion in the detection field and sends a signal 

to the controller and the programmed time is counted from the beginning. LED light fitting 

is switched on so long as motion is detected in the detection zone of the RCR-01 sensor.

Mode 2 – motion sensor with a twilight switch

SLR-01 controller must be programmed in the monostable mode. The RCR-01 motion sensor 

detects the motion in the detection field and sends „ON” signal to the controller. „OFF” signal 

will be sent 20 s after stopping of the motion in the detection zone.




Press NAUKA push-

button in RCR-01 

and then release 

the button. Red 

LED diode switches 

on under the lens 

(constant signal)

Press NAUKA 

push-button in 

RCR-01 and then 

release it. Red 

LED diode will 

light switches 

on under the 

lens (constant 


Press PROG 

push-button to 

enter the SLR-01 


mode. The LED 

diode in the 

controller switches 

on (constant 


Press again 



in RCR-01for a 

longer time

Press NAUKA push-

button in RCR-01, 

and then release 

it. The LED diode 

in the controller 

switches on (first 

the signal pulsates, 

next the signal is 


Press PROG 

push-button to 

enter the SLR-01 

controller in the 


mode. The 

LED diode in 

the controller 

switches on 

(constant signal)

Press NAUKA push-

button in RCR-01 and 

then release the button. 

Red LED diode in the 

controller switches on 

(the signal pulsates) and 

then switches off - THE 


until the LED red diode in 

RCR-01 switches off

Release the 

NAUKA button 

in RCR-01. The 

LED diode in the 

controller will 

light up (first the 

signal pulsates, 

next the signal is 


Press NAUKA push-

button in RCR-01 

and then release 

the button. Red LED 

diode switches on 

in the controller 

(flashing signal) and 

then goes out – THE 


Wait until the LED 

diode in RCR-01 

switches off
