Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
Camera Controller Software
Install FCB Control Software, or another control software provided with your camera, onto your PC.
Launch the controller software application.
If at any point in this process you receive and error stating that the camera is not responding,
click “Continue”.
Set the “port name” to match the “COM Port” selected previously in Section 9.6.3.
Set the Baud Rate to “9600”. This will match the “Baudrate” listed in the GUI in Section 9.6.2.
Click “OK”.
Reference your camera documentation for more information regarding the camera control options.
Remember, you may need to close and restart your camera controller application for changes to
take effect.
Figure 38 Camera Controller Software Configuration
Match Values
Match Values
Match Values
Z3-HE4K-01 User Interface
Camera Control Software