Z3-DM368-ZDVR V1.03.01
Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
Running The Code You Built on the Board
There are 2 ways to take the image files you built in Section 3 and run them on the board: (1) Updating
the image file using an SD card, and (2) Setting up NFS/TFTP to link to your development PC.
6.1 Method 1: Updating the Image File using an SD card
It is possible to update the firmware of the Z3-DM368-ZDVR using an SD card. The process requires a
Windows PC, an SD card, and the ZWriter tool (included with ZDVR). The process for updating via SD card
is as follows:
(1) Locate the img update file you want to update to (either received from Z3 or built in your
environment) and copy it to your Windows computer.
(2) Place an SD card into your Windows computer.
(3) Open the ZWriter Windows program provided by Z3. The main menu should appear.
-Note: It may be necessary to right-click on ZWriter and select “Open as Administrator” to
get ZWriter to run.
(4) Click on “Open File”. This will bring up the Windows File Browser. Use that to select the
.img file you want to upgrade to:
Figure 9 The ZWriter Main Menu
Click here