Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N. 8th St. STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
The Linux build environment must Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04.
Running the Make Script
Go into the root directory
# cd /home/z3/fv2k-13a/-AMB-2022_04_06-20220406
# ./makeall.sh
: Building can take around 45 minutes.
The outcome of the build process should be newly created image files in the im
age’s directory. You can
confirm this by doing the following:
# cd scripts/z3-img
# ls -alt
The output will look like the following note that filenames, dates, and times will differ. See section 15.0
for installation methods.
Figure 5 Sample Content of Images Directory after Successful Build