Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N. 8th St. STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
The Z3-FVXK-13A-RPS board set as provided from Z3 Technology includes a block of aluminum which is
thermally coupled to the CPU chip. This aluminum block is meant to be attached to a heat sink such as a
metal enclosure or other material capable of removing heat from the system.
Note that the aluminum block is a good thermal conductor but is a poor thermal sink. The aluminum block is
not efficient at radiating the heat from the CPU to air, it must be thermally connected to a device that can
dissipate the thermal energy.
BEFORE you begin untarring the code, download the tools you need for compiling:
sudo apt-get install -y cmake automake libtool yodl libmnl-dev libmnl0 pkg-
config liblzo2-dev uuid-dev libpcre3-dev libarchive-zip-perl python
sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
Then select "No" when it asks if "dash" should be the system shell (this will cause /bin/sh to be linked to
"bash" instead)
Making the Directory and untarring the RPS code
The software provided will allow you to re-create the pre-installed software of the FV2K-13A starting
from the included code.
On a PC running Linux, create a directory where the released materials are going to be located:
# mkdir /home/z3/fv2k-13a
Copy the released tar archive to that directory (note: the name may slightly vary).
# cp SW-A01-01026-03_20220303.tar.bz2 /home/z3/fv2k-13a
Untar the archive (name of tar file may slightly vary):
# tar -xvjf SW-A01-01026-03_20220303.tar.bz2
: Untarring may take up to 10 minutes.
Go into the directory just created and run the build script (directory name may slightly vary):
# cd z3-AMB-2022_04_06-20220406
Preparing the Linux Environment