- 14 -
Figure 14.CopiesEdit Window
The block in the grid represents the added SLC file/part. The grid in
the CopiesEdit window represents the build plate. Left click the mouse
and hold to drag the block/part to place it on the build plate for printing.
It is recommended that you centralize the parts on the build plate for
Auto Distribute: The software will automatically centralize the added
files/parts to be printed on the build plate. Offset refers to the
distance between the parts. Click on the Do button to execute the
Auto Distribute command.
Auto-Position: To array and make multiple copies of a selected part.
The values in the Row and Column window indicate the number of
parts per row and per column respectively. Offset is used for setting
the distances between the parts. Click on the Add button to execute
the Auto-Position command.
Move: To move the selected file/part. The value in the dx window is