4.1 Concepts and functions Program
The No. of the program Step can be defined from 1 to 30, and the current Step is the program Step
being executing.
StEP time
Total run time of the program step. The unit is minute and the available value range from 0.1 to
unning time The Time of current Step has run. As the running time reaches the Step time, the
program will jump to the next Step automatically.
The program can jump to any other steps in the range of 1 to 30 automatically as you programmed
in the program Step,and realize cycle control.
When program is in the running status, timer works, and set point value changes according to the
preset curve. When program is in the holding status, timer stops, and set point remains to make
temperature hold also. The holding operation can be programmed into the program step.
When the stop operation is activated, the program will stop, running time will be clear, event output
switch will reset and the output control will stop output. If run operation is activated when instrument
is in the stop status, the program will start-up and run again from the set step no. The stop function
can be programmed into the program Step. The stop operation can also be performed manually at
any time. (After stop operation is done, the step no. will be set to 1, but user can modify it again). If
the program ran the last step of
, program will stop automatically.
Power cut/resume event handling
There are 5 events handling method selectable for power resume after power cut off. Please refer
to parameter PonP.
PV startup and PV preparation function (rdy function)
At the beginning of starting a program, resuming a program after power cut or continuing to run a
program after it is just
modified, the PV (process value) are often quite different from the set point. PV startup function and
PV preparation
function can make PV and set point consistent, and avoid unexpected result. When PV startup
function enabled, the instrument will adjust the running time automatically to make the expected set
point is the same as the current PV.
For example, the program is set that the temperature will be raised from 25
to 625
in 600
minutes. But the current PV is 100
, then the instrument will automatically to run this program start
from 75 minutes, that mean changed the temperature raised from 100
to 625
in 525 minutes
(600-75) min.
At the above situation(PV=100, SV=25, first step SV), when PV preparation function is enable, the
alarm function will be blocked at that time, and PV will be adjusted to approach SV until the
deviation alarm condition is released (PV is between SV-LdAL and SV+HdAL). After deviation
alarm was off, the controller starts to run the program again.
Preparation function (rdy Function) is helpful to keep the integrity of the program, but it will prolong
the program time because the start of the program is postponed.
PV startup function is prior to PV preparation function. If both function are enabled, the system