Parameter code to be read*256+82+ADDR
Writing instruction's correct code's computational method is the remainder of the below formula:
Parameter code to be read*256+67+parameter to be ADDR
ADDR above is the address parameter of controller, range is 0~80. Correct code is the remainder
of the above formula: 2 bytes, former is low byte, latter is high byte. Values to be written is indicated
by 16 bit binary number.
Return data: writing or reading whichever, below 10 bit data is returned:
PV+SV+MV and alarm writing/reading parameter value+ correct code
Thereinto, PV ,SV, and reading values each takes up 2 bytes, symbolizing one 16-bit binary
number has twos complement, with low byte in front and high byte behine. Decimal point is not
represented, so users should do on PC; MV takes up 1 byte in 8 signed binary number format,
value range is -100~+100, status take up 1 byte, correct code take up 2 bytes, totalling 10 bytes.
We can use xlogic PLCs as master to communicate with AI-516 through MODBUS RTU.